A Guide for Developing a Site Newsletter Extra! Extra! A Guide for Developing a Site Newsletter Danielle Gieger Denver Rescue Mission The Crossing June 2010
News @ The Crossing Youth Department Why a newsletter? Needs Communication “We ain’t one-at-a-timin’ here. We’re MASS communicatin’!” —Pappy O’Daniel, Oh Brother Where Art Thou!
Format Microsoft Publisher Choosing a format Editing the format Many newsletter templates Simplicity of the program Choosing a format Editing the format
Stories Relevance Current Events Well Written Who is reading the newsletter? Current Events Calendars, events, new policies Well Written Proofread!
Planning Establishing a Time Frame The DBYC News Weekly? Monthly? 1st of the Month: Publish, print, and distribute Week 1: Brainstorm, research Week 2: Decide and develop stories Week 3: Write/edit stories Week 4: Final touches: proofread, pictures, style
Final Touches Proofreading Pictures Style Spell check, grammar check Fresh eyes Pictures Photo-Media Release Relevance Style Fonts, color, size, borders, background, and design
Resources Local Area Events Community Resources Internet Resources Free days, cheap days Community Resources Rec Centers, School Info, Neighborhood Associations Internet Resources Parents and Kids