Mrs. Trainer’s Class April 2nd - April 6th April Showers... Please return TCAP letters: snack and encouragement as soon as you can! Send in both as you can! Every little bit helps! Please bring back signed report card envelopes! TCAP Countdown: 10 SCHOOL DAYS!! If you are available to proctor TCAP, please let your child’s teacher know! It is a great help! Please bring back permission slip! OLYMPIC TCAP REVIEW STARTS THIS WEEKPLEASE WEAR!!!!!!!!! Monday- White Tuesday- Yellow Wednesday- Blue Thursday- Green Friday- Red Skills for the Week Math: TCAP Review Reading: TCAP Review Language: no phonics pattern Science: TCAP review Upcoming Dates March 24– April 1st Spring Break April 16-April 26 TCAP Testing April 10-Progress Reports May 1st – Election Day, No School May 4th- Cardinal Chase April Showers... Related Arts Monday: G-PE Tuesday: H-GuIdance/ music Wednesday: A-computer , Thursday: B– Art , Friday: C- PE TRAINERB@RCSCHOOLS.NET