June 17th through August 1st SUMMER CAMP 2019 Ravinia Nursery School offers children a wonderful summer experience in a nursery school setting. Experienced teachers and highly qualified college-aged counselors provide a perfect combination for a safe and fun summer. Campers will enjoy water activities, sand play, group games, sports, arts & crafts, singing, dancing, nature walks, morning snack, picnic lunches for the preschoolers and a variety of special projects throughout the seven weeks. June 17th through August 1st Preschool M,T,W,TH 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. (3 years old by Sept. 1st ) Two Can T, TH 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. (2½ by Sept. 1st ) Fees: 4-day Preschool Program $1,325 2-day Two-Can Program $825 Red Oak Lane, Highland Park 847.831.3700 Ravinianurseryschool.com