POWERS OF THE SERVICE COMMISSIONS Under section 89 of the Constitution, the appropriate Service Commissions are vested with the POWER to: Appoint persons to hold an office in the Public Service; To appoint in an acting capacity in any office in the Public Service; To confirm in an appointment; To exercise disciplinary control ; To remove such person from service However, PSC may, under the provision of the Constitution, delegate its powers to Responsible Officers for the above
Filling of vacancies – (psc regulation 19) Where a vacancy occurs, or it is known that a vacancy will occur in any public office in any Ministry or department or general service and it is desired to fill the vacancy immediately: Need to verify the details of the vacancy Verify that there is no establishment or financial or other objection to the vacancy being filled Report the fact to the Secretary as soon as possible. (PSC F1) The report should include a recommendation as to the manner in which the vacancy should be filled and whether or not the vacancy should be advertised
Filling of vacancies (cont) Where the responsible officer is unable to recommend that the vacancy should be filled immediately, he shall so inform the Secretary and state the reasons therefor and the temporary arrangements he is making for the performance of the duties of the vacant office.(Inability to fill vacancies) When recommendation is made (in accordance with the mode of appointment provided for in the scheme of service), filling of a vacancy by the PROMOTION of a public officer serving in the Ministry or department or general service in which the vacancy has occurred or will occur, he shall forward the particulars of service of that officer and state whether the officer satisfies the requirements of that office. (PSC F2) In cases of supersession of any officer, a list of all eligible officers who are senior to the recommended officer, together with their particulars of service and the reasons for recommending their supersession should also be submitted
Filling of vacancies (cont) When a recommendation is made to the PSC for the filling of vacancies, a draft advertisement setting out the details of the vacant office and the duties and qualifications attached to it and the manner in which the vacancy should be filled (in accordance with the mode of appointment provided for in the scheme of service) should also be submitted. NOTE: vacancies may be filled by selection from – public officers serving in the Ministry or department or general service in which the vacancy has occurred or will occur; all public officers; or the general public, including all public officers, No appointment or promotion to a vacancy in the public service may be made before the Commission has determined the suitability of the person concerned. Where the Commission has decided that a person should be appointed or promoted to a vacancy in the public service, the responsible officer shall be informed of the appointment or promotion authorised in his Ministry or department or general service and he shall issue the letter of appointment or promotion to the person concerned and shall make such further arrangements as may be necessary to complete the procedure for the appointment or promotion.
Requirements of the pbat Where the Commission has taken a decision following an appointment exercise from among public officers, it shall arrange for the public notification of the decision.
Nomination for scholarship-psc regulation 19A The procedure for filling vacancies shall be followed where it is desired to nominate or select an officer for a scholarship, or a special course of training, which is designed to prepare him for a higher office or which may enhance his qualifications for appointment to a higher office or for promotion.
SCHEME OF SERVICE Regulation 13 of the PSC Regulations stipulates that the Commission shall exercise supervision over and approve: ALL SCHEMES for admission to any public office by examination, whether specified or not in the relevant schemes of service, and all schemes for the award of scholarships for special training for the public service; and All methods of recruitment including the appointment and procedure of boards for the selection of candidates.
SCHEME OF SERVICE (cont) - Reg 15 The Commission shall, where a scheme of service is to be prescribed for a public office, consider and agree to the statement of qualifications and duties for, and, where appropriate, the mode of appointment to, the public office before the scheme of service is prescribed. Any scheme of service shall be prescribed by the supervising officer of the Ministry responsible for the civil service. The scheme of service shall specify the salary attached to, the qualifications required for and duties of, and, where appropriate, the mode of appointment to, the office to which it relates.
SCHEME OF SERVICE - LAYOUT MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT/ORGANISATION : The official name TITLE OF THE POST : as per CEO SALARY : as per CEO EFFECTIVE DATE : as from date of prescription QUALIFICATIONS : Qualifications, Experience, Personal Skills and Abilities. (Minimum Qualifications + Additional + Professional & Technical etc) DUTIES: main duties – should reflect tasks to meet organisational goals and objectives. (Should be updated regularly) GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Role and responsibilities Age Limit(ex: for trainees and Students) Training (ex: for trainees and Students) ICT / Driving License /Physical measurement IN CASES OF RESTRUCTURE- SHOULD INCLUDE AN ORGANISATION CHART
S O S - PROCEDURES FOR PRESCRIPTION RO seeks agreement of the Minister RO consults Staff Association and the Federation of Unions for their views and comments on the draft proposed Scheme of Service (15 day’s delay is given) An advance copy is submitted to MCSA Concurrently, PRB is also consulted (with copy to MCSA) on salary grading in cases of new posts or amendments having bearing on salary
S O S - PROCEDURES FOR PRESCRIPTION (cont) The Staff side EITHER agrees OR makes counter proposals OR does not submit any reply RO considers (the reply, if any) and submits for consideration (the proposed SOS together with the views and comments of the staff side) to MCSA, within 5 days as from the deadline set Further consultations, if needed, is done by the MCSA MCSA forwards the proposed SOS, within 5 days as from the date of the finalisation of the draft SOS , to the appropriate Service Commission for consideration and agreement. Upon Commission’s agreement, the SOS is prescribed in its official form by the MCSA without delay
APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION - definitionS Conferment of an office of emolument (any pensionable or non- pensionable office) in the public service whether or not subject to subsequent confirmation upon a person not in the public service (EVEN TEMPORARY) Conferment upon a public officer, following a selection exercise, of a public office other than the office to which the officer is substantively appointed (IN ANY OTHER POST) Grant of permanent and pensionable terms [confirmation including transfer to PPE] of service in a public office to a person recruited and serving on contract terms of service or in an unestablished capacity in a pensionable or non-pensionable public office (CONFIRMATION) Engagement in a public office of a person on contract terms for a further period of service on the conclusion of his previous period of engagement on contract terms in the same of other public office (CONTRACT & RENEWAL OF CONTRACT)
APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION - definitionS Permanent transfer to an office in the public service of a member of the civil service of another country who is serving on temporary transfer in an office in the public service (TRANSFER OF FOREIGNER) Transfer of an officer serving in one public office to another office in the public service carrying the same salary or salary scale (PERMANENT TRANSFER /APPROVED SERVICE) – regulation 25 (2) Appointment of a public officer to Act in any public office other than the office to which he is substantively appointed (ACTING APPOINTMENT) PSC should maintain a high standard of efficiency while making appointment & promotions– reg 14 (1)
Temporary Appointment Acting Appointment TYPES OF APPOINTMENT Casual Appointment Temporary Appointment Acting Appointment Appointment on Probation (substantive) Supernumerary Appointment (additional) Contract Appointment Concurrent Appointment (simultaneous)
TYPES OF APPOINTMENT (Cont) Permanent Appointment (PPE / Confirmation) Trainee / Student /Apprenticeship Sessional basis Part time Capacity building (unavailable grades fixed contract – procurement system) Service to Mauritius(MOFED- competencies not available within the public service (they have knowledge but lack experience) Work Placement / Youth Employment Programme(National Empowerment Foundation)
APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION (Cont) AGE LIMIT FOR APPOINTMENT 40 YEARS WORKMEN’S GROUP (MINOR GRADES)- 48 YEARS CRITERIA USED FOR APPOINTMENT (reg 14) QUALIFICATIONS: (As per the Scheme of service) EXPERIENCE: Determined by the Officer’s length of service and Knowledge and practically having performed the duties MERIT: Assessed on the basis of the PAF, Ad-Hoc and Special Reports /report on fitness for promotion) SENIORITY : (as per PSC Regulations as mended)
advertisement - Reg 15 A A: The Commission shall determine the form of advertisement to be issued in accordance with regulation 14. B: The advertisement shall include the qualifications specified in the scheme of service for the public office in respect of which the vacancy has occurred. (A) and (B) shall be without prejudice to the powers of the Commission under regulation 13.
seniority "Seniority" means the relative seniority of officers and, except as may be otherwise provided by the Commission or in these regulations, shall be determined and shall be regarded as having always been determined as follows : (A) AS BETWEEN OFFICERS OF THE SAME GRADE : (i) by reference to the dates on which they respectively entered the grade; (ii) in cases of appointment (including appointment on completion of training) or promotion, following a selection exercise, by reference to the order of merit determined by the Commission following that exercise, irrespective of the dates of their assumption of duty – provided that – where any officer had been allowed by the Commission to assume duty more than 2 months after the date on which he was initially requested to do so, his seniority shall be determined by reference to the date of his assumption of duty, and where 2 or more such officers assumed duty on the same date, by reference to their respective rank in the order of merit (cont)
Seniority (CONT) in the case of a trainee, where the trainee assumed duty more than 2 months after the date on which he was initially requested to do so OR, during his traineeship, had taken leave for a period exceeding 2 months OR where the aggregate of the period approved by the Commission and any leave taken during the traineeship exceeded 2 months, his seniority shall be determined by reference to the date of his appointment on completion of training, and where 2 or more such officers were appointed on the same date, their seniority shall be determined by their respective rank in the order of merit; (cont)
Seniority(CONT) (cont) (B) AS BETWEEN OFFICERS PROMOTED FROM ONE GRADE TO ANOTHER (i) by reference to the effective date of promotion and where 2 or more officers were promoted on the same date, their seniority shall be determined by reference to their relative seniority in the next lower grade; (ii) where the promotion of 2 or more officers took effect from date of assumption of duty, by reference to their relative seniority in the next lower grade, irrespective of the dates of their assumption of duty – provided that where any officer had been allowed by the Commission to assume duty more than 2 months after the date on which he was initially requested to do so, his seniority shall be determined by reference to the date of his assumption of duty; (C) AS BETWEEN OFFICERS OF DIFFERENT CLASSES – (i) by reference to the maximum point on their salary scales, a flat rate of salary being regarded for this purpose as a salary scale with a maximum point equivalent to the flat rate; (ii) on the same salary scale or on the same maximum point on their salary scales or the same flat rate of salary, by reference to the effective dates of their appointment provided that : (cont)
Seniority: (C) AS BETWEEN OFFICERS OF DIFFERENT CLASSES (CONT) (a) where any such officers in different classes were appointed or promoted in their respective grade or in their respective class on the same date, their seniority shall be determined by reference to their relative seniority in the next lower grade or class; (b) in case the seniority still cannot be determined from the above,, by reference to their respective seniority in the second lower grade in their class or in different classes, and if need be, by reference to their seniority in further lower grades in their class or in different classes; and (c) where the seniority remains the same, their relative seniority to each other shall be determined by reference to their respective ages: (cont)
Seniority: (C) AS BETWEEN OFFICERS OF DIFFERENT CLASSES (CONT) Provided that when assessing the seniority of a pensionable public officer, unbroken service by himself or any other person in a non-pensionable capacity shall only be taken into account in so far as during such service the officer or other person concerned was fully qualified to serve in the grade or class in question on pensionable terms [this provision refers to (c) (ii)]
ACTING APPOINTMENT(regulation 22) RO seeks approval from the appropriate Service Commission or RO approves under delegated powers (PSC Circular 2011) ELIGIBILITY PERIOD a continuous period of seven days (including SAT, SUN & PH) Supervising officers & workmen’s group even 1 day QUANTUM OF ACTING ALLOWANCE PAYABLE The difference between salary drawn and the initial or flat salary of higher post Three increments worth at the incremental point reached If not fully qualified – allowance is paid at the rate of 80 %
PROMOTION - MEANING It is a rise in the status of a public officer to a position of higher grade which carries greater responsibilities. The conferment upon a person in the public service of a public office to which is attached a higher salary or salary scale than that attached to the public office to which he was last substantively appointed or promoted
PROMOTION - types Promotion is of two types: Class-to-class Grade-to-grade class-to-class promotion means promotion to a rank which entails greater responsibilities of a different nature to those previously undertaken and performed grade-to-grade promotion means promotion in a higher grade in the same hierarchy which entails greater responsibilities of the same nature to those previously undertaken and performed.
PROMOTION- salary on promotion All promotions, in general, should be marked by an increase in salary. An officer, on promotion, should join the initial salary or flat salary of the higher grade Where the salary overlaps the officer is granted a maximum of three increments subject to the top salary of the higher grade provided the total emoluments of the officer should not be less than the initial salary and not more than the maximum salary of the higher grade.
PROMOTION- salary on promotion (CONT) Where recruitment to a grade, by virtue of the scheme of service or by arrangements in force, is or may be done by selection both from serving officers and from outside candidates in the same exercise, the serving officer should draw the initial salary of the promotional grade or receive one increment if he was drawing the same salary point as the initial or more than the initial (INTERNAL / EXTERNAL = INITIAL OR 1) Where a senior officer has been promoted directly and a junior officer has subsequently been promoted indirectly to the same grade (after having obtained another promotion), the salary of the senior officer(s) should be adjusted to bring them at par as from the date the junior officer has been appointed in that grade. (SENIOR DIRECT & JUNIOR INDIRECT = AT PAR)
PROMOTION- salary on promotion (cont) Where a serving officer gets appointment in a grade requiring qualifications of a completely different line than those of his grade, the officer gets the initial of the new scale or retains the salary of his previous grade, whichever is the higher; (DIFF QUAL = 0) Officers who have drawn LSI gets an aggregate not exceeding 3 increments inclusive of the LSI previously obtained (LSI = MAX 3) Officers who have drawn the top salary for a year and have been allowed to move by either one or two or three increments in the Master Salary Scale should, on promotion, be granted a maximum of three increments, inclusive of the increment/s previously obtained for movement beyond top salary, subject to the maximum salary of the higher grade. (BEYOND TOP = MAX 3)