Creating an Enabling Environment Annette Connah The Rofft School
How good classroom practice can be adapted or extended to support children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Overview The physical environment The sensory environment Signs and symbols
The Physical Environment Create clearly defined areas based on IEP or curriculum targets e.g. play / creative area, individual or group teaching areas, independent work area Use furniture to create areas, boundaries and barriers e.g. screens (portable) and cupboards, make a line!, back to back seating
The Physical Environment Make use of visuals e.g. photographic rules, a pictorial timetable (season, month, day, date, a.m/p.m), white board, individual schedules, start/ finish boxes
The Physical Environment Ensure a tidy, uncluttered room! Basic equipment to be clearly labelled, easily accessible and in working order Make use of areas within the school e.g. empty classrooms, hall, library, quiet rooms, school grounds Create a Safe Haven
The Sensory Environment Visual Auditory Tactile Smell Taste
Visual Lighting - avoid fluorescent and flickering lights – use subdued lighting / natural light /cover windows – try fibre optic lamps and lava lamps as a means of – de-stressing, fairy lights/ lanterns Colour - neutral e.g. magnolia for walls and clothes! Walls - not too busy! Tend to be visual learners, therefore, make good use of visual schedules, time lines (birthday wall), mind maps, photos, pictures, diagrams, ICT
Auditory NOISE Dining room- provide a quieter place for those children who cannot cope with the hustle and bustle of the dining room School bells- prepare by working on the clock/ visual timeline/social story
Auditory Fire alarms- warn in advance, make social story Plays- talk about story, ask actors to visit class, sit at back of hall Screamers- remove perpetrator Toilets (flushing, hand-driers) - take children to the toilet at quieter times / social story
Auditory CALMING Have quiet music playing in the background Provide a range of instruments to create a variety of sounds as a means of de-stressing e.g. rainmakers, headphones, radiator in quiet room Sing!
Tactile Taking shoes off (did early man have shoes on when he invented the wheel!) - OK indoors? Children can learn with their shoes off (B. Maines) Try pumps, social story, reward chart
Tactile Extra sensitive to labels, seams,(socks) Velcro, sleeves – work with parents Inappropriate touching - be consistent - NO TOUCHING Kinaesthetic learners- e.g. early literacy and numeracy skills, make the most of plastic/magnetic letters and numbers, sand, water, dough, fuzzy felts, tracing,gloop Hand Gym / Brain Gym
Smell & Taste Extra sensitive to smells – many of our children smell their clothes for identification e.g. after P.E. (quite handy!) Many are repulsed by certain smells and tastes which may cause problems at snack time, dinner times, some curriculum areas (Celts) Be aware of what is in lunchboxes and allow adequate space for seating Aromatherapy – put a drop of lavender oil into play dough (be aware of allergies)
Signs and Symbols Makaton Symbols Pictorial Timetables / Individual Schedules PECS Social Stories Feelings Chart
Resources and Books
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