Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness California STAR Testing Program 2001 Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Study on Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Study completed by the California Department of Education (released12/10/02) Data included SAT 9 Mathematics and Reading plus Fitnessgram from 2001 Grades 5, 7, 9 (954,000 students) Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Key Finding Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Higher Achievement was associated with higher levels of fitness at each of the grade levels measured. Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Grade 5 Sat-9 and Physical Fitness Scores Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Fifth Grade Results Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness 353,000 Students Strong relationship between reading, math and physical fitness Greatest gains made by those students who met 3 or more fitness standards Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Fifth Grade Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Mandated 200 instructional minutes of physical education every 10 school days (does not include recess or lunch) Fitness and skill development emphasis Well rounded, teacher guided program Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Grade 7 Sat-9 and Physical Fitness Scores Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Seventh Grade Results Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness 322,000 Students Even greater gains seen when students meet 3 or more minimum fitness standards Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Seventh Grade Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Mandated 400 instructional minutes of physical education every 10 school days Focus on understanding the relationship of fitness components to optimum health Emphasizes personal goal setting in skills and fitness Leads students to self sufficiency Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Grade 9 Sat-9 and Physical Fitness Scores Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Ninth Grade Results Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness 279,000 Students A strong relationship shown for girls and boys Math scores were higher than reading Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Ninth Grade Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Mandated 400 minutes of physical education every 10 school days Theme “Developing a Personalized Fitness Program for a Healthy Life-Style” Emphasizes physiological, psychological, and social benefits of a healthy, active life-style Leads to pursuit of excellence Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Key Findings Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Strong relationship between fitness reading and math scores at each grade level. Greatest gains made when students meet 3 or more minimum fitness standards. Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Recommendations Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Districts and school leaders need to prioritize our children’s health by insisting on quality physical education for all children. It is time to use some of the resources provided for low performing schools for ALL of the factors that are affecting academic achievement. Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Recommendations Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Districts have a responsibility to fund physical education mandates appropriately with the provided general fund allotments. Provided by California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance