The Respiratory System
Respiratory System The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for acting in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The primary organs of the respiratory system are lungs which carry out this exchange of gases as we breathe.
Lungs The lungs allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body while also enabiling the body to get rid of carbon dioxide in the air breathed out.
Trachea The Trachea is a wide hallow tube that connects to the larynx to the bronchi of the lungs its an intergral part of the bodys airway and has the vital function of providing air flow to and from the lungs form respiratation
Diaphragm The muscle that spreads the chest cavity from the abdomen the diaghram is the main muscle of resepatation contraction of the diaghraphm muscle expands the lungs during iniiration when one is breathing the air in.
Epiglottis Epiglottis is a flap of elastic cartilage covered with a mucaus membrame attached to the entraces of the larynx. It projects obilquely upwards behind the tougue and the hydroid bone, panting dorsaily it stend open during breathing allowing air into to larynx.
Bronchus Are the main passageway into the lungs… the bronchus become smaller the closer they get to the lung tissue and are then considered bronchioles. These passageway then evolve into tiny air sacs called alveoli, which is the site of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange into the respiratory system.
Pleural cavity Pleural cavity with its associated pleurae old optimal functioning of the lungs during breathing the pleural cavity also contains pleural fluid, which act as lurbri cant and allows the pleural slide effortlessly against each other during respiratory system.
The End dhuydudugdh