Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers


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Presentation transcript:

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers COURSE 3 LESSON 4-3 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Which is greater, or ? 5 9 6 11 Rewrite each fraction with the denominator 9 • 11 = 99. Multiply the numerator and denominator by 11. 5 9 5 • 11 9 • 11 = Multiply. = 55 99 Multiply the numerator and denominator by 9. 6 11 6 • 9 11 • 9 = Multiply. 54 99 = Since 55 99 54 > , 5 9 6 11 . 4-3

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers COURSE 3 LESSON 4-3 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Which is greater, or ? 7 18 5 12 Multiples of 18: 18, 36 Multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36 List multiples of each denominator to find their LCD. Since the LCM of 18 and 12 is 36, the LCD of the fractions is 36. Multiply the numerator and denominator by 2. 7 18 7 • 2 18 • 2 = Simplify. 14 36 = 4-3

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers COURSE 3 LESSON 4-3 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers (continued) Multiply the numerator and denominator by 3. 5 12 5 • 3 12 • 3 = Simplify. 15 36 = Since 15 36 14 > , 7 18 . 5 12 4-3

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers COURSE 3 LESSON 4-3 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers The Eagles won 7 out of 11 games while the Seals won 8 out of 12 games. Which team has the better record? Change each fraction to a decimal. Compare the two decimals. Divide. Use a calculator. Eagles: 7 11 0.636363 Seals: 8 12 0.666667 Since 0.666 > 0.636, the Seals have the better record. 4-3

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers COURSE 3 LESSON 4-3 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Order –0.175, , – , 1.7, –0.95 from least to greatest. 2 3 5 8 Write each fraction as a decimal. 2 3 0.667 5 8 = –0.625 – Then graph each decimal on a number line. The order of the points from left to right gives the order of the numbers from least to greatest. –0.95 < –0.625 < –0.175 < 0.667 < 1.7 So, –0.95 < – < –0.175 < < 1.7. 2 3 5 8 4-3

Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers COURSE 3 LESSON 4-3 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Compare. Use <, >, or =. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.35 5. Order 0.17, , –0.3, 0, and – from least to greatest. 5 12 < 8 15 4 5 > 8 11 15 50 36 120 7 20 = = 1 5 1 4 –0.3, – , 0, 0.17, 1 4 5 4-3