Red lights, yellow lights, and green lights
When I ride in the car, I see traffic lights.
Traffic lights keep us safe so the car does not crash Traffic lights keep us safe so the car does not crash. Cars have to go only one way at a time
When I ride in the car, I see traffic lights When I ride in the car, I see traffic lights. Sometimes the red light is on. Red means stop and wait. It is not our turn. The other cars are going. It keeps us safe.
Sometimes it is yellow. This means slow down and stop if you can Sometimes it is yellow. This means slow down and stop if you can. The light is about to change color.
Sometimes it is green. This means go. It is our turn.
It is okay when a light is red. It wiII be green soon It is okay when a light is red. It wiII be green soon. I will try to wait when it is red.