Vocational Leadership and agents of change By: Patrick murphy Martin luther Vocational Leadership and agents of change By: Patrick murphy
Vocational calling A vocation is an occupation to which a person is specially drawn or for which she/he is suited, trained, or qualified. This vocation, at least for Christians, is determined by a sense of “calling” from God. A vocational call on someone’s life is a divine call from God for a person to pursue a specific occupation/vocation in which they will serve the Kingdom of God and experience joy in meeting some need in the world.
Being called Martin Luther was a professor of theology and a preacher. He initially objected to the suggestion that he should become a professor of theology and a preacher, saying that it would be the death of him. Just over a year later, he received his doctor’s degree. He was also given two bibles that day. He was commissioned to be a “sworn doctor of Holy Scripture.” He said that since that commission, he could never again remain silent. He had to speak, teach, and expound the Scriptures
The Reformation In Martin Luther’s view, the Reformation happened because the pope tried to hinder him from fulfilling his vocation. Luther challenged the infallibility of the pope and church councils, asserting that only the bible can be considered an infallible source for Christian teaching. He said that you do not have to believe anything that the church officials said if it was not asserted with Scripture. The Church does not take priority over the bible because it was born from the bible. Translated the bible into the language of the people. Larger emphasis on Christ than on Church doctrine.
Martin Luther’s impact on my vocation I feel like I have been called to be a youth minister and to teach the Gospel to middle school and high school students. The way I will teach this has been greatly influenced by what Martin Luther did during the Protestant Reformation. I will be teaching the Scriptures with an emphasis on the Person of Jesus. I will not be teaching about rules made by the church. I will only be teaching what is written in the bible, holding it as my only authority in Christian teaching and theology, instead of teaching laws made by church officials that were not instituted by Jesus. Overall, the entirety of what I will be teaching and how I will be teaching it is because of what Martin Luther did during the Protestant Reformaation.