(butterflies and moths) LEPIDOPTERA (butterflies and moths)
So far in classification Exopterygota Head with gula Neuropteroid Orders mandibulate Hymenoptera Diptera Neoptera 2 Wings larvae without legs 4 Mecoptera Head without gula Siphonaptera No wings rostrate - Lepidoptera Wings with scales Mecopteroid orders larvae with legs - Trichoptera Wings with hairs
Hexapod Orders Lepidoptera Lepido - scale, ptera - wing Number of Species 125.000 Common names Butterflies, moths Typical habitats Diverse Distinguishing characteristics -coiled proboscis -wings with scales - relatively large wings Other features
Lepidoptera - Distinguishing Characteristics Scales on the wings
Lepidoptera - Distinguishing Characteristics Coiled proboscis
Lepidoptera - Distinguishing Characteristics Caterpillar larvae Legs Crochets Prolegs
Lepidoptera - Distinguishing Characteristics Caterpillar larvae - defense
Lepidoptera - Classification Confused!! Most commonly seen: Monotrysia & Ditrysia
Lepidoptera - Some common families Butterflies - Nymphalidae (fritillaries)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Butterflies - Danaidae (milkweed butterflies)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Butterflies - Pieridae (cabbage butterflies)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Butterflies - Papillionidae (swallowtails)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Butterflies - Lycaenidae (blues, hairstreaks)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Moths - Tineidae (clothes moths)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Moths - Saturniidae (giant silk moths)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Moths - Arctiidae (tiger moths)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Moths - Sphingidae (hawk moths)
Lepidoptera - Some common families Moths - Noctuidae (loopers)