Kate Sweeney Bell Recorder Marion County Recorder’s Office Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement Kate Sweeney Bell Recorder March 13, 2017
Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement Project Overview The Recorder’s Office now maintains over 10 million records in digital format. Records from 1821-1964 were scanned from 2,913 original land record books and 3,846 rolls of microfilm resulting in over 4 million images. The images were enhanced for better quality. Deteriorated microfilm was replaced for permanent archival storage. Total contract cost of $1.85M. Funding sources include dedicated funds only. No General Fund dollars used. Over 3,000 volumes of land record books permanently stored at the Indiana State Archives March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement Project Overview Only records after 1964 were available to search online. Records prior to that were only available to search on microfilm in the office. Nearly 1,300 rolls of microfilm were beginning to deteriorate from a condition called “vinegar syndrome” which eventually would completely destroy the film. The completion of this project was critical to preserving these records. Microfilm Scanning at the Recorder’s Office Contractors worked in 12 hour shifts to scan over 1,200 rolls of microfilm and microfiche. March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement Project Overview These records are now searchable online by document number and/or original Book and Page Number. An estimated 42,000 staff hours will be necessary to fully index these documents. The office is seeking outside funding sources and alternative means to more quickly index these records. Book Scanning at the Indiana State Archives Locating the original land record books provided opportunity for higher quality digital images. March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Project Timeline 2013 Initial RFP 2014 Final RFP & Vendor Selection Nov. 2015 Contract Executed Jan. 2016 Microfilm Scanning Begins Feb. 2016 Book Scanning Begins Apr. 2016 Initial Images Received Sep. 2016 Final Images 1935-1964 Uploaded March 17, 2017 Final Images 1821-1934 Uploaded March 31, 2017 Microfilm Replaced & Delivered March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Image Enhancement - Example March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Funding Plan Total Funding Plan 1,852,927.90 Previously Allocated 82,780.00 ID Security Protection Contribution 1,537,031.58 Enhanced Access Contribution 233,116.32 Project was funded only through dedicated funds. Revenue from ID Security Protection Fund is generated from a $0.50 per document recording fee. The fund was established through Indiana Code to provide revenue source for Recorders to redact sensitive personal information from previously recorded documents. March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Appropriation Request Previously Allocated 82,780.00 Encumbered 12,780.00 Appropriation Request 70,000.00 Project completed within budget despite adjustments to prescribed scanning process. Additional records outside of the scope of work were scanned including plat and mortgage releases. Funding options being determined to secure these records. March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement
Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement Project Summary The replacement of the damaged microfilm was critically important to preserve records that must be kept in perpetuity. Reimaging the microfilm to an electronic format provides remote accessibility to the public. The funding sources were appropriate for the scope of the project while maintaining sufficient fund balances. Book Scanning at the Indiana State Archives Contractors worked 12 hours a day, fives days a week to scan over 3,000 books March 13, 2017 Record Digitization & Microfilm Replacement