Helping to prevent one of our loved ones from committing suicide
Teenage suicide is the third leading cause of death among people between the ages of 15-25 years. More people kill themselves than being killed by someone else. 500,000 teenagers attempt suicide every year and about 5,000 teenagers succeed. Teenage suicide is an epidemic nation wide and there needs to be more awareness and prevention to try to help these teenagers who are in desperate need of help.
I Am Not OK-Teen suicide prevention and awareness RyLQ0
Who is a Gatekeeper? Coach Teacher Pastor Friend
Overcoming our Emotional Reactions to warning signs What are the warning signs? Verbal or behavioral? Our Emotional Reactions Fear-the very idea that someone wants to die Denial-we didn’t hear what we heard Deny the warning signs “people who talk about suicide don’t do it” Shock-How can this be? Anger-why didn’t they come to me sooner?
Understanding Suicide They have problems just like we have problems. The difference is that, if that for the moment, we feel we can handle our problems and do not feel overwhelmed by them. Suicide seems like a solution to a problem. Suicide seems like a solution to many unsolvable problems.
Suicide occurs: During: times of personal crisis Unrelenting stress Depression When we are confronted with a fear of failure The spectator of an unacceptable loss
Impulsive act? Although sometimes an impulsive act, most people will think about suicide for days, weeks, months or even years before they make an attempt. Oddly, brings about a relief that all one’s problems can finally be solved and terror at the idea of having to die to find relief.
Clues and warning signs to suicide Clues and warning signs come in different forms. One clue or warning sign may not mean a great deal, but any warning sign suggesting acute distress, despair, or hopelessness about the future or a desire to “end it all” is worth asking about.
These are some warning signs of suicidal teenagers: change in eating and sleeping habits withdrawal from family and friends statements in hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness stating comments like "I won’t be a problem for you much longer" and "nothing matters anymore" violent actions, rebellious, running away from home drug and or alcohol abuse neglect of personal appearance not tolerating praise or reward
Direct Verbal Clues I’ve decided to kill myself I wish I were dead I’m going to commit suicide I’m going to end it all If (such and such ) doesn’t happen, I’ll kill myself.
Indirect or coded verbal clues I’m tired of life What’s the point of going on? My family would be better off without me Who cares if I’m dead anyway? I can’t go on anymore I just want out I’m tired of it all You would be better off without me I’m calling it quits, living is useless Soon I won’t be around You shouldn’t have to take care of me any longer Soon, you won’t have to worry about me any longer You’re going to regret how you’ve treated me Here take this (cherished possession); I won’t be needing it.
Behavioral Clues Donating body to a medical school Purchasing a gun Stockpiling pills Putting personal and business affairs in order Making or changing a will Taking our insurance or changing beneficiaries Giving away money or prized possessions Making funeral plans Changes in behavior, waving or kissing goodbye, (especially if not characteristic) Sudden interest in church or religion
Situational Clues Sudden rejection by a loved one (boyfriend/girlfriend), or unwanted separation or divorce Recent move, especially if unwanted Death of a spouse, child, friend (especially if by suicide or accident) Diagnosis of a terminal illness Sudden unexpected loss of freedom (about to be arrested) Anticipated loss of financial security
Depression Is the common cold of modern life Both biological and psychological #1 cause of suicidal behavior
Symptoms of depression Wishing to be dead Nervousness Crying Inability to concentrate Poor sleep Fatigue Irritability Loss of interest in friends, food and fun
Adolescents attempt suicide to end unbearable emotional pain caused by a variety of problems. A person attempting suicide is usually so depressed they can not see any other way out. Suicide attempts are usually cries for help; it is not a spur of the moment decision. People usually attempt suicide as their last option they feel total destitute.
Bad news, depression is common Bad news, depression is common. Good news, it responds well to treatment
How to help Question Persuade someone to get help Referral – refer to someone for help
How you can help prevent someone from attempting suicide: Listen to the person Show the person you care by saying things like: -"I care about you so tell me how you're feeling" -"Share your pain with me" -"You mean a lot to me so I want to help" Talk openly with the person Try to show that you understand the person Ask the person if he/she has a plan Get professional help
Written Assignment Write a one-page paper on one of the following topics: “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” “Talking about the problem is the most effective weapon against teenage suicide” “It takes more courage to live than to die” Should terminally ill people have the right to determine how and when to die?
Paper must include: Main Idea-clear and supporting information is relevant, accurate, and detailed Organization and Sentence structure – paragraphs, complete sentences, smooth- flowing information Mechanics-spelling, grammar capitalization Format – neat and legible