Balkanization and the Balkan Peninsula


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Presentation transcript:

Balkanization and the Balkan Peninsula Pre ap world geography Europe unit

For today, 12/2: Welcome Back!! Pick up “A Farmer’s Life in Spain” and quietly begin working Remember, chapter 16 quiz is tomorrow Europe unit exam is Wednesday Updated study guides are in Edmodo folder Study guide: stop after # 38, and add Bloody Sunday information

Balkan Peninsula

What is Balkanization? Balkanization = noun Balkanize = verb The division or breakup of a country into smaller units, usually based on a cultural characteristic

Bosnian Genocide (Bosnian War) 1992 - 95 Mass killing of Bosnian Muslims and Croatian civilians Approx. 100,000 murdered Approx. 2,000,000 refugees Slobadan Milosevic

Concentration camps and Mass grave sites

http://upload. wikimedia mation_1800-2006.gif

Political Map 1. Croatia 2. Bosnia & Herzegovina 3. Serbia 4 Political Map 1. Croatia 2. Bosnia & Herzegovina 3. Serbia 4. Montenegro 5. Kosovo 6. Macedonia 7. Albania 8. Bulgaria 9. Greece 10. Romania 12. Turkey (portion)

Physical Map

Your Assignment Chapter 16 Book work 1.) Vocabulary words and definitions (6 total) * cork, autonomy, Renaissance, microstate, enclave, city-state 2.) Reading Checks (write out question and answer) on pages (3 total): * 356, 361, 365 3.) Interpreting the Map (write out questions and answers) on page (2 total): * 362