God’s people congregate as one with a common purpose—to worship God together (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:17, 18, 20, 33, 34; 14:23, 26) God’s people today should want to gather together to worship (Heb. 10:24-25)
God’s people need to take a posture of respect before the Lord (Rev God’s people need to take a posture of respect before the Lord (Rev. 5:14; Hab. 2:20) God’s people need to take an appearance of respect before the Lord (Psa. 29:2) God’s people want their behavior & their attire to exude respect for God (Psa. 89:7)
God’s people find joy in worshiping in the way God prescribed (John 4:23-34; Psa. 96:9) God’s people find joy in returning to God’s original plan for worship (Col. 3:16-17)
God’s people, when in God’s presence and He in their presence: Joyfully sing praise and give thanksgiving to the Lord (Psa. 95:1-2; 100:1-5; Eph. 5:19-20; Col. 3:15-17; Heb. 13:15) Joyfully sing to one another, uniting hearts and voices (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) Joyfully shout praise, even weep, at the glory of the Lord (Psa. 66:1-2; 95:1-2) God’s people are not ashamed to be heard in their praise (Psa. 66:8; 1 Sam. 4:5-7)
Believe Jesus is God’s Son – John 8:24 Repent of your sins and turn to God – 2 Peter 3:9 Confess your faith in Jesus – Romans 10:9-10 Be immersed into Christ – Galatians 3:27 God will forgive you of every sin – Acts 2:38 God will add you to His church – Acts 2:47 God will register you in heaven – Hebrews 12:23 Faithfully live according to His pattern – 1 John 1:7