<month year> <doc.: IEEE doc> November 2012


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Presentation transcript:

<doc.: IEEE 802.15-doc> <month year> <doc.: IEEE 802.15-doc> November 2012 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ Proof of concept for transmission range] Date Submitted: [ ] Source: [Marco Hernandez, Huan-Bang Li, Igor Dotlić, Ryu Miura ] Company: [NICT] Address: [3-4 Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, 239-0847, Japan] Voice:[+81 46-847-5439] Fax: [+81 46-847-5431] E-Mail:[] Re: [In response to call for technical guidance document contributions TG8] Abstract: [ ] Purpose: [Material for discussion in 802.15.8 TG] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT) <author>, <company>

November 2012 Path Loss Estimate Maximum transmit power at the input antenna: Pt=250 mW. Antenna gains are assumed as Gt = Gr = 0 dBi. The fade margin: Fm = 6 dB. Receiver’s implementation losses: Il = 3 dB. Receiver’s noise figure: NF = 6 dB. Through simulations a candidate system: Eb/N0 = 8 dB for BER= 10-3. Data rate: 1 Mbps, 250 kbps. Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT)

Path Loss Estimate The maximum allowed path losses are: November 2012 Path Loss Estimate The maximum allowed path losses are: L1 = 114.97 dB for 1 Mbps and L2 = 120.98 dB for 250 kbps Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT)

Path Loss Estimate Free path loss (in Matlab format): November 2012 Path Loss Estimate Free path loss (in Matlab format): PL = 20*log10(4*pi*fc*d/3e8); Fc=2.4 GHz, D=100m, PL=80.0460 dB Fc=2.4 GHz, D=200m, PL=86.0666 dB Fc=2.4 GHz, D=500m, PL=94.0254 dB Fc=5.1 GHz, D=100m, PL= 86.5932 dB Fc=5.1 GHz, D=200m, PL= 92.6138 dB Fc=5.1 GHz, D=500m, PL= 100.5726 dB Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT)

Path Loss Estimate ITU outdoor path loss model lamda=3e8/fc; November 2012 Path Loss Estimate ITU outdoor path loss model lamda=3e8/fc; Lbp=abs(20*log10((lamda^2)/(8*pi*hb*hm))); Rbp=(4*hb*hm)/(lamda); if d<=Rbp PL=Lbp+20*log10(d/Rbp); else PL=Lbp+40*log10(d/Rbp); end Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT)

Path Loss Estimate ITU outdoor path loss model November 2012 Path Loss Estimate ITU outdoor path loss model Fc=2.4 GHz, D=100m, PL= 76.8787 dB Fc=2.4 GHz, D=200m, PL= 88.9199 dB Fc=2.4 GHz, D=500m, PL=104.8375 dB Fc=5.1 GHz, D=100m, PL= 80.5726 dB Fc=5.1 GHz, D=200m, PL= 88.9199 dB Fc=5.1 GHz, D=500m, PL= 104.8375 dB Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT)

November 2012 Path Loss Estimate For a distance of 500m, and Fc=2.4Ghz and 5.1 GHz, the computed path losses do not reach the maximum allowed path loss (L1 = 114.97 dB for 1 Mbps and L2 = 120.98 dB for 250 kbps) that will degrade performance for this particular system. This is a proof of concept that a transmission range of 500m is feasible for the 2.4 GHz band and 5.1 GHz bands. Hernandez,Li,Dotlić (NICT)