METAMORPHIC ROCKS Are rocks that have been altered or have undergone change. Metamorphic rocks begin as either igneous, sedimentary or another metamorphic rock…we call the beginning (1st) rock the parent rock. The parent rock is under tons and tons of pressure, which causes heat to build up, causing the parent rock to SOFTEN or RECRYSTALLIZE and change or “morph” into a metamorphic rock
Parent Rock morphs into Metamorphic Rock Gneiss Granite (Ign) Sandstone (Sed) Quartzite Shale (Sed) Slate
Parent Rock morphs into Metamorphic Rock Limestone (Sed) Marble
The melted rock becomes an igneous rock SEDIMENTARY ROCK Metamorphic rock (marked altered rock) formed when the sedimentary rock surrounding the magma was softened (NOT MELTED) by the heat from the magma. The melted rock becomes an igneous rock METAMORPHIC ROCK IGNEOUS ROCK
Metamorphic Rocks are classified as foliated or nonfoliated either foliated or nonfoliated 1. FOLIATED When the parent rock softens the mineral grains are flatten by heat and pressure This causes the metamorphic rock to show a striped or banded look in some rocks Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks are gneiss, schist and slate Granite foliates into Gneiss parent rock foliated metamorphic rock
A beautiful specimen of foliation… Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks are A beautiful specimen of foliation… gneiss Gneiss Slate Schist
#1 #2 #4 Which sample shows foliation? Which sample is showing fine-grained igneous rock? #2 Which sample is showing a sedimentary rock? #4
Quartzite magnified quartzite 2. NON-FOLIATED Mineral grains grow and rearrange, but do not form bands or stripes Examples of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks include quartzite and marble Quartzite magnified quartzite no bands stripes
AMAZING EARTH SCIENCE FACTS 1. Metamorphic rocks are formed by __________________ 2. Metamorphic rocks include: 1. __________ (banded) Examples are slate, schist and gneiss 2. _____________(no stripes) Examples include marble and quartzite Parent Rock Metamorphic Rock Limestone morphs into _________ Sandstone morphs into _________ Shale morphs into _______ and then into _______ heat and pressure Foliated Non-Foliated marble quartzite slate schist