What Obedience Shows By our actions, we declare to the world our love and respect for God and doing His will
Introduction Obedience is often viewed negatively; as if obedience implies force must be applied in order to bring about the desired result. In fact, the opposite is true: Obedience that pleases God is generated from a heart of trust (faith), devotion and love. It is voluntary, humble and willingly submissive to God. Why is it that obedience to God is an expression of our love for God? John 14:15
OBEDIENCE SHOWS RESPECT FOR GOD'S LOVE 1 John 5:3. Principle to be Taught and Learned in the Family, Ephesians 6:1-2. The sons of Eli illustrate the dishonor of disobedience, 1 Samuel 2:22-25. Listen to (obedience implied) and do not disrespect, Proverbs 23:22 (19:26; 30:17)
Obeying God Shows the World that We Love God, cf. John 14:31. Our obedience is our example to the world! Matthew 22:36-38 Give the world a lesson on the love of obedience! This is the example we must set for the world, 1 Peter 2:11-12.
Respect is the practical exercise of love (goodwill, charity). Respect for God Demands our Obedience, Deuteronomy 11:18-23. Respect is shown by actions, not mere words, Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46. Obedience reflects the place of honor we give God in our heart; cf. 1 Peter 3:15
OBEDIENCE SHOWS RELIANCE UPON GOD'S GRACE Ephesians 6:24. God's Grace Teaches Us Obedient Living, Titus 2:11-14. Divine favor (grace) in our lives should compel a corresponding response in us that denies (rejects, disavows and refuses) ungodliness (lack of piety) and worldly lusts while engendering good fruit. Grace impacts our manner of life; Must live... Soberly: "suggests the exercise of that self-restraint that governs all passions and desires, enabling the believer to be conformed to the mind of Christ" (Vine). Righteously: "just", without prejudice or partiality (Vine) Godly: "pious, devout" (Vine).
Obedience Reflects Our Assurance and Trust in the Blessings of God's Grace. Faith at work shows our reliance upon God's grace, knowing we do not earn our salvation, Romans 5:1-2; Galatians 5:1, 4-7. The blessing of answered prayer, 1 John 3:18-22 (5:14-15). We depend on God's grace, knowing that by faith the blessings of grace are ours now and eternally.
OBEDIENCE SHOWS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF FAITH IN GOD Obedience takes Responsibility for Trusting God's Way is Right, Hebrews 11:8-10. To live a life for an unseen land is the essence of dependence on God and trust in Him. (Hebrews 11:13-16) We walk by faith, taking responsibility for our actions before men and God, 2 Corinthians 5:7-11.
Obedience takes Responsibility for making Sacrifices that Please God, Hebrews 11:17-19. Obedience says, "God will work it out"! Obedience says, "I will suffer the loss of everything in order to gain Christ", Philippians 3:7-9. Obedience takes Responsibility by Choosing the Reproach of Christ, Hebrews 11:23-26.
By obedience we share in the sufferings of Christ, Philippians 3:10. By obedience we defy the forces that vainly fight against the purposes of God - and receive glory! cf. Philippians 2:8-9; Colossians 3:4
Conclusion Obey Christ now and show you respect Him and rely on His grace. Take responsibility for your faith in Him by obeying Him now and always. Christ saves all who obey Him, Hebrews 5:9. We cannot get to heaven without obedience to His will.