What it means to be a Christian
Hindrances to becoming a Christian This morning we addressed: Unbelief in many forms Faulty reasoning Unwilling to give up sin Unwilling to address consequences Hypocrisy Ignorance That “one thing” What it means to be a Christian?
Addressing Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Dealing with hindrances Don’t take it personally Maybe we have something to answer for But, in general, we will stand before God for ourselves You are not alone – 2 Timothy 3:12 John 15:18 Dealing with hindrances to becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Most hindrances cannot be overcome for them You cannot force obedience – Luke 8:5, 12 Even Jesus didn’t win them all One must make up their own mind Romans 14:12 Dealing with hindrances to becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Most hindrances cannot be overcome for them Excuses will not change one’s destiny, so do what you can – 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 Do not let their rejection keep you from doing anything – Matthew 10:5-16, Acts 13:51, 18:6, etc. Someone IS looking! Dealing with hindrances to becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Keep letting your light shine With some this is the best we can do – Philippians 2:15 Don’t be a hypocrite! Show them the importance of putting God first; Give them reason to believe, etc. 1 Peter 1:7, cf. James 5:12 Even among our enemies – Matthew 5:44-48, cf. 1 Peter 2:11-12 Dealing with hindrances to becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Help them overcome ignorance and faulty thinking with the truth 1 Peter 3:15 – How much effort do we put to learn to answer? 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 – our weapons are mighty in casting down arguments If they let you, keep studying with them Sometimes an objection is simply hesitation Dealing with hindrances to becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Help them overcome ignorance and faulty thinking with the truth Check your attitude! Patience, kindness, etc. Matthew 10:16 Listen – cf. James 1:19 Handle the word accurately – 2 Timothy 2:15 Consider indirect teaching – articles, tracts, keep being an example, etc. Cf. Deuteronomy 6:7-9 Dealing with hindrances to becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances We may need to back off for awhile! Try later! Don’t be one that they dread to see coming! Be seasoning, don’t pour salt in their wounds – Matt. 5:13, Colossians 4:6 Don’t force a false response Give them an open invitation But don’t forget about them – cf. Galatians 6:9 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Do NOT let them drag you down spiritually! Yes we are in the world, but not of the world Be cautious – Galatians 5:9, 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not put yourself at a disadvantage with them 2 Corinthians 6:14, 17-18 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Pray for them Something we can always do! The lost desperately need our prayers Opportunity, be specific – Matthew 9:38, Colossians 4:3 Wisdom - James 1:5 Boldness – Ephesians 6:17-19 That we may lead a quiet life – 1 Timothy 2:2 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian?
Dealing with hindrances Put it in God’s hands You can only do so much! Let Him do His part 1 Peter 5:7 Plant and water, but let God give the increase – 1 Corinthians 3:6 But do what you can! Hindrances to Becoming a Christian?
Many of these things require judgment. Learn as we try. We may stumble, but learn and do better. We need to care enough to keep trying!
Don’t let hindrances keep you out of heaven!