Tuesday 5/8/18 Notebook Entry: Complete the following steps SUN ORBIT Notebook Entry: Complete the following steps Copy the diagram of the Sun and the Earth’s orbit path shown above. Make it about half of your page. Then show on the orbit path the location of the Earth when we (Northern Hemisphere) are experiencing summer, fall, winter, and spring. You will have 4 earth’s drawn. Each Earth should then be labeled with the season that occurs in that position.
Tuesday 5/8/18 No Notebook Entry! Instead I will give you your whiteboard from yesterday and you will work with your partner to finish your diagram of Earth’s position during the 4 seasons.
Seasons Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours.
Seasons Investigation Do Costa Rica and Alaska experience seasons like Montana? Why or why not? Would their weather patterns change at all over a year? Alaska
Seasons Investigation Revise direction #1 – Use Seasons & the Ecliptic AND Motions of the Sun simulations. Have each one open on a separate tab. Work with your partner to examine sunbeam angle and length of day for Alaska and Costa Rica. When you are done with the investigation turn in your paper. Work on homework- pages 14-17 in astronaut book.