Digitization and Modernization Project Certification Phase: Closeout Executive Sponsors: Justin Najaka, Director; Nivia Thames, Deputy Director; Stuart Hamilton, Chief Financial Officer Agency Head: Justin Najaka, Director Agency CIO: Prakash Bhakta Date: May 23, 2018
Overview Project Background & Objectives Certification Appropriations Deliverables Lessons Learned Next Steps Benefits Realized Questions & Recommendation
Project Background & Objectives Background: The State Personnel Office (SPO) is responsible for administration and oversight of the classified service personnel system. A comprehensive system of human resource management is achieved through the integration of seven functional areas which are administered by the SPO Director with oversight by a five-member State Personnel Board. SPO’s business processes rely heavily on the records and information used as basis for personnel action decisions made by State officials, and for compliance with regulations. This project was designed with a phased implementation strategy: Phase 1-implementation of the Electronic Content Management (ECM) system, Phase 2- implementation of HR Solutions processes, and Phase 3-implementation of HR Case Management processes. Phase 1 Objective: Digitize personnel records and modernize paper-based administration and approval workflow. Implementation of ECM system for centralizing digitized personnel records and implement automated business process workflow.
Certification History Certification Date Phase Certification Amount June 25, 2014 Initiation $220K August 18, 2015 Planning $230K June 22, 2016 Change $243K September 28, 2016 Implementation $557K Total $1.250M
appropriation History Appropriations appropriation History Funding Source(s) Appropriation Amount Laws 2014, Ch. 63, Section 7 (9) $450K Laws 2015, Ch. 101, Section 7 (13) $800K Total $1.250M
Deliverables Phase 1 Deliverables completed Requirements Document Functional and technical requirements document completed Design Document Authentication, reporting and database interface document completed System Specifications HW/SW specification document completed System Architecture Design and implementation of system architecture completed System Implementation and Acceptance Testing Validation of system architecture and workflow testing completed
Lessons Learned The Digitization and Modernization project was ambitious with multiple phased implementations. During the project Phase 1, multiple areas highlighted the need for improvement. Funding/Resources. Identify, plan and secure funding and resources. SPO needed its own IT staff. Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) should have been dedicated throughout the project. The project should have had a shorter timeline. In the future, secure full funding for Phase 2 and Phase 3 along with IT staff Keep Phase 2 and Phase 3 timelines less than 1 year Procurement/Contract. The necessary resources (funding and talent) should have been available from day one. Allow ample time on schedule for securing personnel for Phase 2 and Phase 3 Multiple Project Engagement. The HR Consolidation project diverted critical resources and impacted schedule. Next time, review new project impact on existing project resources and schedule Have dedicated project manager for each project
Next Steps Seek additional funding for Phase 2 (HR Solution) and Phase 3 (Case Management) Currently SPO staff is digitizing personnel files Engage with a vendor to digitize 17,000 personnel files Original plan was to procure 700 ImageNow approver licenses for concurrent use only 350 licenses were procured in Phase 1 remaining 350 licenses will be procured in SFY19
Benefits Realized Centralized storage of employee personnel files Consistent organization/mapping of stored data within and across agencies Uniformity of centralized personnel records Digitized files are now available for managers and supervisors to view online Supervisors and managers are now able to leverage automated workflow for personnel/position actions Improved efficiency of state agency services
Questions & Recommendations Thank you for your continued support of this project. Requesting closeout of Phase 1 of the Digitization and Modernization Project.