TPALs Conversations on edTPA: Sharing Best Practices Dr. Joan Lachance Assistant Professor, MDSK Dr. Michelle Stephan, Associate Professor, MDSK
Today’s Focus Convey the current scope of edTPA, showcasing areas of success in MDSK program areas. Describe ideas from two faculty members’ perspectives on edTPA and BEST PRACTICES for authentic practice tasks.
Current Coursework & Support Programmatic Opportunities for Practice Tasks The emphasis on specialization of practice tasks and internship support within the MDSK programs. Practice Tasks are woven in throughout pre-internship semester coursework MAT Programs in TESL/FLED continue to have higher performance outcomes than many other programs *A VITAL focus on connecting practice Tasks 1-3 Considerations for Academic Language that move beyond key vocabulary
Current Coursework & Support Programmatic Opportunities for Practice Tasks Specialized Support during the Internship Semester Synchronous and Asynchronous weekly sessions A VITAL focus on specific timing/scaffolding Tasks 1-3
Task 1 (Lesson Planning) Support Dr. Lachance Use the TESL specific lesson plan template (tightly aligned with edTPA rubrics) Heavy emphasis on language objectives with features of academic language Detailed descriptions of planned assessments, aligned with lesson goals and, indicated ways for students to self-measure/peer-measure (part of language progression)
Task 1 (Lesson Planning) Support Dr. Stephan Read five research articles on the teaching topic; write abstracts Analyze student-centered textbook activities; determine cognitive demand Lesson plans anticipate student reasoning and questioning
Task 2 (Instruction) Support Dr. Stephan Candidates conduct one-on-one interviews with classroom students Instructor Model teaches in methods class Video analysis of High Quality Instruction Practice teach in class
Task 2 (Instruction) Support Dr. Lachance Academic Language Development and Structured Peer Review Why does this matter? TESL/FLED focus on structured, scaffolded, peer review—connected to NC Essential content and ELD standards with very specific language objectives Candidates are asked to mirror the feedback process in several instances.
Image Source: Google Images Public Domain Voices from the Field! Discussion—Innovative Ideas from the Group! Image Source: Google Images Public Domain
Thank You!! Photo by Arik Hanson