Perkins Update Webinar January 8, 2019 Moodle Contact list - send Patti/Tony the changes New: Special Populations Contact Check the CFOs. Two have incorrect email addresses. Moodle New: Special Populations Contact Check the CFOs. Two have incorrect email addresses.
Perkins Basic Grant expenditures All equipment paid for by your Perkins Basic grant should be ordered and in route by now. Remember! All equipment must be in place and in use by students in the fiscal year in which it was purchased… i.e. before June 30th. Many of you are modifying budgets after initial planning. We have Jan through May, Changes in June appear to be dumping on a federal fund and do not sit well in an audit.
Budget Spending Levels July – December Encouraged to meet with your Chief Financial Officer Update your programmatic and fiscal Perkins Plan We will be looking at your XDBR You should do it first and alert us on any out of the ordinary changes you expect.
Perkins V State Plan * Needs Assessment Uses of Funds Links to WIOA Work-Based Learning Outcome Measures July Summer Conference Application for Transition Year You can expect many changes in the next two years as we transition. We are including a PDF copy of Perkins V with this webinar material.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (1) General Sec 134 (c) (1) … an eligible recipient shall -- (A) conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment related to career and technical education and include the results of the needs assessment in the local application submitted under subsection (a); and (B) not less than once every 2 years, update such comprehensive local needs assessment. We know you will have to complete a needs assessment. We will be walking you through the process. It is something you can do in house and involve other stakeholders. A community college needs assessment alone will not meet the standard
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (2) Requirements An evaluation of the performance of the students CTE programs offered Sufficient in size, scope and quality Aligned to state, regional, trial, local industry/occupations identified by WIOWA or local workforce board. Meet local education or economic needs not identified by workforce board Progress toward implementation of CTE programs of study Improve recruitment, retention, and training of CTE faculty Equal access to CTE Barriers for special populations Improve performance of special populations Prepare special populations for self-sufficiency. The needs assessment will include Size Scope and Quality of your CTE programs beyond approval at the system office and may include Numbers of Participants and Concentrators in your CTE Programs Review of Faculty Instructional Strategies – Engaging Instruction CTE - Facilities and Equipment Career Awareness Activities including Exploratory and Career Development Activiteis Programs of Study/ Career Pathways - 9-14 CCP is a part of this Credentialing Secondary Postsecondary Alignment of Programs of study CTE Student Organizations Work Based Learning
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (3) Consultation Involve diverse body of stakeholders including -- LEA CTE, including principal, counselors, administration Postsecondary CTE faculty, administrators Local workforce development board, including range of businesses. Parents and students Special populations Agencies serving out-of-school youth, homeless youth, at- risk youth Indian tribes and tribal organizations Other stakeholders There is Consultation in the development of the Needs Assessment
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (4) Continued Consultation Consultation on an on-going basis Annual updates to comprehensive needs assessment Ensure programs of study are-- Responsive to community employment needs Aligned with state, regional, local employment priorities Informed by labor market information Designed to meet current & long-term labor market projections Allow employer input Encourage work-based learning Coordinate Perkins funding with local resources This Needs Assessment will be updated every two years To ensure we are responsive to the community and employment needs
Got 'em? We can bring them to the mid-year reviews if you let us know
Perkins Reviews Mid-Year Reviews 2 drive-in meetings - pick one January 15, 2019 @ Pitt CC January 17, 2019 @ Catawba Valley CC Each college - prepare a 10-minute presentation on best practice. Followed by questions. End-of-Year Reviews May/June, 2019 End-of-Year Report and Best Practice Video Year End Review Planning Just a Reminder Will take about three weeks to complete. We anticipate doing these VIA Webinar or Drive in We would like you Feed back on dates, Week of May 20th , Week of May 27th , Week of June 3th , Week of June 10th
Perkins Mid-Year Reviews 10-minute maximum presentation Highlight/summarize Perkins funding/activities so far this year. Assure that you are on track to spend funds. Send your PowerPoint slides to Chris Droessler five days before the meeting or hand your PowerPoint file on a flash drive to Chris at the meeting. If you can we will upload and it will save time
Data Book
Data Book Areas for improvement You will be contacted if action plan is needed. 1 college for 4P1 24 colleges for 5P2 5P1 was recalculated this year - all exceeded negotiated level
State Negotiated Level Actual State Performance Statewide Data State Negotiated Level Actual State Performance 1P1 – Technical Skill Attainment 80.25 81.03 2P1 – Credential, Certificate, or Degree Attainment 56.00 70.70 3P1 – Student Retention or Transfer 76.00 84.08 4P1 – Student Placement 68.00 71.94 5P1 – Nontraditional Participation 6.00 16.86 5P2 – Nontraditional Completion 14.91 13.74 5P1 there was an error in the computer program that extracted the data. We typically were about 15% for 5P1 5P2 we are looking for strategies to improve 5P2 You may want to send a team to the Wake Tech Training Session
Non-Trad Student Inclusion Workshop April 18, 2019 at Wake Tech Discuss diversity, inclusion, equity, access, cognitive biases, Title IX, generational labels, and culturally responsive teaching. Address cultural, ethnicity, racial, gender, socio-economic status, and other differences and provide techniques to engage diverse students to ensure inclusion. Learn about Title IX and responsibilities under this law. Modes of communication and communication narratives to engage those from various generations. Culturally responsible teaching strategies Open to only 10 colleges with teams of up to 2 (or up to 20 participants). More information and how to register will be at later this week.
Best Practice Videos 2018 Nash Community College Nash CC believes in SkillsUSA, and their students have won numerous awards at the state and national level. Best practice videos are on under Perkins Resources. Already shown: Alamance Community College - Teachers shadowing teachers Fayetteville Technical Community College - Nursing, Faculty position, Simulation equipment Mayland Community College - Mac Lab, 26 iMac computers Vance-Granville – Advising, Professional Development. Beaufort County CC Carteret CC Lenoir CC Coastal Carolina CC Show this month: Nash Sampson Ready to show Wayne
Best Practice Videos 2018 Sampson Community College Sampson CC hired a full-time career specialist, and medical assisting instructor. They provided multiple professional development trainings for their CTE staff, celebrated Building Construction Week, and implemented an improvement plan for 5P1 and 5P2. Best practice videos are on under Perkins Resources. Already shown: Alamance Community College - Teachers shadowing teachers Fayetteville Technical Community College - Nursing, Faculty position, Simulation equipment Mayland Community College - Mac Lab, 26 iMac computers Vance-Granville – Advising, Professional Development. Beaufort County CC Carteret CC Lenoir CC Coastal Carolina CC Show this month: Nash Sampson Ready to show Wayne
Construction Week NC Construction Careers Awareness Week April 8-12, 2019 Planning meeting via webinar - December 13 at 9am College Open Houses. Invite the local high schools and middle schools Talk to LEA CTE Director Career Development Coordinator at the High School Invite the public
SkillsUSA Greensboro April 9-11, 2019 Annual Perkins meeting on Wednesday, April 10 Postsecondary Awards Ceremony on April 10
Performance Partnership Summit We will be adding workshops around the new act during this SUMMITT
Manufacturing Week NC Advanced Manufacturing Careers Awareness Week September 30 – October 4, 2019 Does anyone want to talk about any open houses they planned or attended?
Perkins Updates 2nd Tuesday of the month 9 am Via GoToWebinar Find the registration links at Next Update: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Registration links through December have been posted. Register now and let the system remind you.
Perkins/CTE State Staff Dr. Bob Witchger Director, Career & Technical Education 919-807-7126 Dr. Tony R. Reggi Coordinator, Career & Technical Education 919-807-7131 Patti Coultas Coordinator, Career & Technical Education 919-807-7130 Chris Droessler Coordinator, Career & Technical Education 919-807-7068 Darice McDougald CTE Administrative Assistant 919-807-7129