Grid Modernization Smart Grid NW – GridFWD Ajay Kumar, Director, Lines Asset Planning
Modernizing BC Hydro’s Grid We are here! Legacy Grid Smart Grid Grid Modernization BC Hydro has realized many benefits through our grid modernization efforts over the last 10 years.
Drivers for Grid Modernization Improve monitoring & response to hazards, e.g. automated switching Safety Reduce maintenance costs, e.g. LED street lights with smart controllers Operating Efficiencies Decrease the number and duration of customer interruptions through automation, e.g. reclosers System Reliability Resist physical/cyber attacks, e.g. investing to meet NERC standards System Security Meet evolving customer needs, e.g. islanded operations Customer Expectations Reduce green house gases, e.g. non-SF6 Circuit Breakers Environment
Benefits of Modernization: Operational Efficiencies August Windstorm 2015 Customers Out: 750k Restoration Time: 4 days Cost to Repair: $8M Main Information Media: On-line Stanley Park Windstorm 2006 Customers Out: 240k Restoration Time: 10 days Cost to Repair: $16M Main Information Media: Phone Significant operational benefits by utilizing modern technologies for intelligence and control of the system.
Benefits of Modernization: Improved Reliability # of Customer Interruptions 510 reclosers on 277 circuits ~1,240 Customer Interruptions avoided per day 610 reclosers on 307 circuits ~1,333 Customer Interruptions saved per day Installation of automated reclosers has provided one of the most cost effective investments to deliver reliability benefits to our customers
Aging Infrastructure Provides Opportunity % of the Capital Plan We are leveraging our end-of-life replacement opportunities to support our grid modernization framework.