Year 1 Spring 1 Once Upon A Time


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Presentation transcript:

Year 1 Spring 1 Once Upon A Time PHSE Going for Goals Ways in which we learn and how we can help ourselves deal with problems and distractions so we reach our goals. Financial capability - how to keep money safe. Science Sorting and grouping materials Investigating properties of materials Sorting and naming materials Comparing how materials are used around the world. Generating questions and making predictions Recording results in different ways. Maths Measure on a scale and weighing Applying number in a range of contexts including mass, money and simple multiplication (doubling and halving) Recognise and name 2-d and 3-d shapes and their properties. Geography Mapping the school and grounds DT Moving Pictures Exploring Mechanisms – wheels, levers, joins English Regular reading and discussing texts Guided reading Learning a patterned text with actions to aid independent writing Types of texts and writing Traditional tales . Using them as a basis to write our own story. Spelling patterns Continuing with daily phonic work, revising taught phonic sounds & teaching alternative ways of writing & saying them. Spelling the ‘tricky’ words. Handwriting practice Cursive script and joining digraphs Year 1 Spring 1 The theme for this half term is: Once Upon A Time Subjects are linked to the theme when appropriate. PE – Golf and Swimming Computing Programmable toys Debugging and creating simple algorithms. RE Who is Jesus? Christians call Jesus the ‘Son of God’ Christians believe that Jesus is both human and divine (God) Know the main events in Jesus’ life Know that Jesus performed miracles, including healings Know that many people followed Jesus, and still do now Music Pulse, rhythm, beat and singing