Ms. Ortiz's 3rd Grade Class Welcome, Parents!
My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills he/she needs to progress to fourth grade. To provide a supportive and engaging classroom environment. Teach your child how to actively participate in their education and take charge of their learning.
Class Schedule Morning Electives 7:35-8:30 Morning Work 8:30-9:10 Recess 9:10-9:25 Math 9:30-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:05 D.E.A.R. 12:10:12-30 Language Arts 12:30-1:50 Science/Social Studies 1:50-2:30 Dismissal 2:40
Weekly Electives Everyday 7:35-8:30 a.m. Monday—Spanish Tuesday—P.E. Wednesday—Art Thursday—Music Friday—Technology
Language Arts Students will learn to write detailed paragraphs with supporting facts and details. Writing ranges from opinion, informative/explanatory, to narrative pieces. Cursive Handwriting is an important part of third grade.
Math Students will learn multiplication and division. Word problems are always important to understand. Please help your child practice their multiplication facts. --Making their own flash cards helps with memorization! Students will learn a variety of strategies to help them with math.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. --Our Class rules are: Follow all rules in the SJVA handbook Listen when others are talking Follow directions the first time given Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Always try your personal best
Personal Smart Devices Personal tablets, phones, and smart watches are prohibited at school. Students are encouraged to leave these devices at home. If caught using during class, the device will be taken and parents must come to school to pick up the device. Students who continually break these rules will receive a detention.
Rewards for Following Rules Verbal praise Class tickets Table points Marble jar Wolf bucks
Consequences for Breaking a Rule 1st time—verbal redirection 2nd time—move clip to yellow (Warning: Think about your actions) 3rd time—fill out a "Think Sheet" 4th time—move clip to orange (lunch detention) 5th time—move clip to red (parent phone call)
Homework I will assign homework every night. This includes a math sheet and 20 minutes of reading with a reading log. Students will have a weekly homework packet as well, which will include, times tables, cursive, spelling, and grammar Math sheet and reading log is due the following day. Homework packet is due on Friday morning. Please, check to make sure all homework is complete. *Stapled packet – due Friday *All other work – due the next day
Tardiness School starts at 7:30 a.m. If students aren’t in the classroom by this time, please check in at the school office before coming to class. Electives start at 7:35 a.m. so attendance is taken as soon as we walk into the room. Students who are late are often flustered and rushed in the morning. Students who are habitually tardy, will be put on an attendance contract.
Absences Our goal is to maintain over 98% attendance. Please try to be to school every day, but if your child is ill, keep them home and get independent study!
Independent Study Independent study is a resource for parents to use to replace an absence. If your child is absent, please call the office to pick an independent study contract or download the contract from the school website. Once the parent and student sign the contract, email, fax, or drop off the form to the office. E-mail Sean Simons or Melissa Skeeters Once the signed Independent Study Contract is received, the Independent Study Work can be emailed, faxed, or picked up by the parent. Students complete the work the day they are absent and return it to school the next school day.
Independent Study Cont. Independent Study Packets are then graded by the teacher and the student is given credit for their work. Their absence is switched to IS giving them credit as if they were in school. Doctors notes are great, but it is still an absence. So, please do independent study ***It is incredibly important for us to maintain a 98% or higher average throughout the school year. Remember—Independent study contracts can only be signed before or the day of the absence.
Communication I can be reached via: Email: Phone: (951) 654-5113 Remind Text the message @room11sjva to the phone number 81010 I use this tool frequently to keep you updated on class and school events
Let's have a great year!