Portuguese Presidency


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Presentation transcript:

Portuguese Presidency Proposals for the MTP 2008-2009 Portuguese Presidency

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon The EUPAN Network Directors General of P.A. DG’s Troika Troika Secretariat DEBR HRWG IPSG E-Gov. DISPA EX: Costumer Satisfaction - IPSG NCP CAF Note: The network can set up ad-hoc working groups or task forces Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Mission EUPAN MISSION (as described in EUPAN website) The mission of the network consists of a number of competences assigned by the Dg’s to the informal working groups, that involves: Discussing and developing new tools and activities to improve the quality of public services; Discussing all issues related to HR policies of the Public Service and some general administrative matters concerning Reform Programmes; Undertaking the exchange of views, experiences and good practices among member states in the field of e-Government; Facilitating the exchange of good practices and experiences among member states on regulatory issues and to provide a forum for strategic discussions on the EU better regulation agenda. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon EUPAN mission & vision Based on the Mission of the EUPAN and regarding the preparation of the next MTP seems important to clarify the following: The definition of the contributions of each WG; The definition of the EUPAN clients; The definition of the EUPAN outputs; The definition of performance indicators for the WG’s. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon Quick snapshot of the work done Years Main Topics Developed by each Working Group (WG) HRWG IPSG E-Government 2002 Mobility; Systems of remuneration linked to productivity; Recognition of seniority and professional experience; Demographic evolution (the image of public sector employment); Social Dialogue. CAF; 2nd Quality Conference; Change Management; European Benchmarking Network (EBN); Electronic newsletter. Action plan eEurope 2005; eForum project; study: Return on investment and value creation in e-Gov. projects; ICT in the public sector; Wireless e-Gov; e-Gov – challenges and imperatives moving ahead; Presentation of best practices. 2003 Mobility; Career Systems and attractiveness of public employment; Training; Social Dialogue; Performance related Pay; Impact of new technologies on HR Management. CAF; 3rd Quality Conference; EBN; Benchmarking activities – Learning Labs; Electronic newsletter; IPSG work methods and programme. e-Gov. in Europe; E-Economics; e-Gov. in the future; e-Gov. projects – An integrated platform for one-Stop government; Central-Local relations. In HRWG and IPSG we can find Topics on an ongoing basis – Mobility and Social dialogue, CAF , Quality Conferences. Social dialogue relevance has grown this year – creation of the task force discussion around formal or informal format. Mobility issue development is growing weaker. CAF is the most practical and successful project of IPSG and Quality Conferences are view as foruns of excellence for sharing experiences and information. Presentation of Best practices by several countries regarding E-Gov issues is the recurrent aspect of e-Gov meetings. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon Quick snapshot of the work done, cont. Years Main Topics Developed by each Working Group (WG) HRWG IPSG E-Government 2004 Mobility; Ethics in the public sector; Pensions in the public sector; Training; Employability and lifelong learning; Representativity regarding Social Dialogue. CAF; IPSG work methods and programme; 3rd Quality Conference; Knowledge Management; Benchmarking activities; Newsletter; co-operation among working groups. Interoperability Case Study; European interoperability framework; e-government Conference; Effectiveness; Open Standards; e-Gov. highlights in EU countries; Presentation of best practices. 2005 Mobility; Lisbon Strategy/Objectives; HR management strategies to support organisational changes; The flexibilisation of employment status of civil servants; Training; Innovation Model – Modernising People Management; Diversity. CAF; 4th Quality Conference; Knowledge Management/Best practices/Benchmarking; Customer Satisfaction; Principles of good administration in the member states; EPAN communication plan. Lisbon Strategy; studies (Organisational changes, skills and the role of leadership, Interoperability of e-Gov. systems); Central-Local relations; The identification number, data sharing and data protection issues; Open standards 2006 Mobility; Decentralisation and Accountability; Social Dialogue; Management and leadership contribution to the Lisbon Strategy; Pension Systems, Performance Assessment. CAF; Benchmarking: Innovative Case Studies; Customer Satisfaction; 4th Quality Conference; Citizen Charters; IPSG Handbook Commission’s e-Gov. action plan; e-Invoicing; Business process management in the laboratory; Presentation of best practices. In HRWG and IPSG we can find Topics on an ongoing basis – Mobility and Social dialogue, CAF , Quality Conferences. Social dialogue relevance has grown this year – creation of the task force discussion around formal or informal format. Mobility issue development is growing weaker. CAF is the most practical and successful project of IPSG and Quality Conferences are view as foruns of excellence for sharing experiences and information. Presentation of Best practices by several countries regarding E-Gov issues is the recurrent aspect of e-Gov meetings. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

MTP – Main Sources DG’s Resolution under the Finnish Presidency for the development of the EUPAN MTP – Helsinki, December 2006; Ministers and Directors General Resolutions – Berlin, June 2007. (Final Report of Lisbon ad hoc group - May 2005 - as reference) For this MTP there are two main sources – the set made off the ministers and Directors general resolutions and the Proposal of the Finnish Presidency for the development of UPAN MTP presented in Helsinki at the DG’s meeting in december. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP – Questions Raised How can a more target-oriented approach be implemented? How can the structure and methods of co-operation among the working groups be enhanced? What kind of outputs does the network aim to deliver? The proposals in this documents have raisen us some questions. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

1. MTP – Proposed Approach Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

MTP – Proposed Approach Following the DG’s Resolution under the Finnish presidency regarding the development of the MTP format and result - oriented approach and the Ministers and Directors General Resolutions – Berlin, June 2007 The Portuguese Presidency aim is to develop an horizontal approach to the main priorities and objectives to be included in the MTP Fewer topics to be dealt with Each topic being dealt with in a horizontal approach by all WG’s Each group contributes to the development of the topics Dealt with in an in-depth way Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Priorities for 2008/2009 Main Priorities to be developed in close co-operation among all EUPAN Working Groups HRWG IPSG 1 – Enhancing the efficiency of public management 2 - Demographic change & Ageing DEBR e-Gov. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Priorities for 2008/2009 MINISTERS RESOLUTION DGS RESOLUTION Priorities for future work - EUPAN Objectives (some examples) Areas of cooperation Enhancing the efficiency of public management Demographic change & Ageing Enhance public services taking into account the demands of citizens and private businesses; Introducing strategic management in public administration; Raising the quality level and efficiency in public administration.  Ensuring and improving public services taking into account a changed structure of the population;  Maintaining the attractiveness of public service as an employer. IPSG: CAF; Quality Conferences; Citizen Charter; Costumer satisfaction Management. HRWG: Mobility between public administrations within the EU; Co-operation with trade-union representatives; Co-operation with expert organisations. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

What kind of projects could contribute for Lisbon targets? IPSG: National Lisbon Programs benchmarking; European User Satisfaction Indices; Efficiency of public administration; Collection of service needs. HRWG: Strategic Management & Leadership; Efficiency of Public Administration; Recruitment – impact of demographic change; Reward Systems. DEBR: Methodology for measuring “administrative burdens” - quality; Efficiency of public administration; Quality of new national “Lisbon regulations”; Evaluation of different models in Public-private dimensions. E-Government: European User Satisfaction Indices; Efficiency of public administration; ICT Licence for Administrative Staff; Professionalisation of ICT Staff. Source: Lisbon ad hoc group results report Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon 2. MTP – Co-operation Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP – Co-operation Co-operation: An effective correlation among EUPAN Working Groups in order to achieve common targets by using specific and agreed methods. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

MTP – Co-operation Enhance co-operation among working groups by developing new working methods: EUPAN Handbook Learning Groups Participation of WG’s chairs in all the other WG’s meetings Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach. HRWG IPSG DISPA E-Gov. DEBR Common organisation of seminars & workshops Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Contents: Why the Handbook? The struture of the EUPAN; The role of different actors; The role of different documents and meetings in reporting about results; The goals of the MTP-format; Knowledge management of the WG’s and tools; Knowledge management between the WG’s; Continuous improvement. Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon Learning Groups – LG The EUPAN may create LEARNING GROUPS (LG) on the basis of specific common interests, responsible for producing outputs to share. The LG could have two primary outputs: Innovative: to develop new themes Sharing: to find transferable practices between MS Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon Main Advantages of the LG’s Aligning different approaches (IPSG; HR; eGov; DEBR) so as to improve the EUPAN outputs; Aligning the EUPAN activities in relation to the Member States needs and expectations (on a volunteer basis); Covering more themes in the MTP which increases the EUPAN results; Promoting the sharing of practices and findings among WG and Member States which is one of the core businesses of the EUPAN. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon LG participants & conditions Participants: Members of one or more EUPAN WGs; Experts invited by MS; Limited number of MS of one WG. Conditions: Theme related to the EUPAN mission; Outputs during the MTP in progress; Minimum 3/5 (?) Members States. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon LG Outputs LG focus Main purpose Approach/questions Output Innovative To develop a new theme that is a common need/interest of the MS participants. How could services do better in the future? What are the guidelines to help the change process? EUPAN Books (On-line publication; Guidelines to support change in public service management) Sharing To find transferable practices between MS with good/best practices and MS that expect to learn with. What are the good/best practices in a specific theme? What can other services learn from them? How could the best/good practices benchmark/bench learn with others? EUPAN Practical Guides (On-line publication; structured collection of MS experiences and guidelines) Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon 3. MTP – Outputs Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP – Outputs Common frameworks (e.g. CAF); Seminars, Conferences and Workshops; Practical Guides (e.g. collection of best practices); Guidelines (e.g. Citizen Charter guidelines); Studies; Best practices available on-line (EUPAN website); Newsletter with a reshaped image. Visibility of the outputs produced by WG’s within EUPAN among Public Services and Citizens Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon Evaluation of the Proposals The Portuguese Presidency: Proposes the implementation of the new working methods during the next two years. Proposes an assessment to be undertaken by the end of 2009, based on performance indicators to be established regarding: WG’s Outputs; Working methods & Co-operation. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon Timetable Actions Dates Presentation to the Working Groups 16 -17 July 17 - 18 September 19 October Presentation to the Troika Secretariat 30 July 26 November Gathering of comments and contributions Until 4 October Presentation to the DG’s Troika 26 October (Draft version) 9 December (Final version) Presentation for approval in the DG meeting 10 – 11 December Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

All your comments are welcome, please send them to: teresa.ganhao@dgaep.gov.pt and celia.fernandes@dgaep.gov.pt Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Troika Secretariat Meeting – 30 July – Lisbon MTP 08/09