EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook


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Presentation transcript:

EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook Status of the update and restructuring project Aphrodite Mourelatou (EEA)

What happened since last TFEIP/EIONET meeting UNECE EB welcomed the efforts to update and restructure the Guidebook, Dec 2006 Contract awarded to TNO, December 2006 Kick-off meeting, Copenhagen, January 2007 Inception report to be approved this week Consultants actively participated to Expert Panel meetings: Transport, Combustion and Industry and to the EGTEI meeting 1 example chapter ready to discuss at this meeting. A few more in the making Contract awarded by the Commission. TNO main contractor and AEAT sub-contractor Kick-off meeting: participation: Commission (also JRC) , TFEIP chair, Expert Panel Leaders, IPCC TSU, EGTEI, EMEP, Project Team

Work basics The practical restructuring and update work will be done by the consultants The final responsibility for the technical content of the Guidebook lies with the TFEIP Expert panels are the ’scientific conscience’ of the Guidebook and Expert panel members will be the actual ’authors’ of the Guidebook chapters. When expert panel members provide input to the consultants as experts and not as expert panel representatives, they will be paid by the contractants for their contribution.

Project organisation Commission Consultant contract EEA Advisory Editorial Group EMEP chair / centres TFEIP Chair / Secretariat Expert panels This group was established with the contract signature. Technical advice. Other organistions, like JRC could be invited to participate on a structural or ad hoc base in this group. This group will steer the work of the consultants. The expert panels will be consulted with respect to specific sectoral updates Final responsibilities in the project are defined in the contract Role of steering group: convened if no agreement Steering Group UNECE CLRTAP secretariat

Guidebook Structure

Guidebook structure Table of content follows NFR for source categories Link to SNAP classification as process based sub-categories retained Chapters follow IPCC guidelines as close as possible while respecting particularities of air pollutant inventories Separate as far as possible numerical information from the main text (stable information) - important for maintenance Adding a paragraph on gridded data General chapter on how to estimate spatially disaggregated emission data in the cross cutting issues section and/or in source category chapters

Guidebook content Complete source descriptions Guidance on good practice aspects such as key source analyses, QA/QC systems, uncertainty management and projections Guidance on methodological choice (incl. decision trees) Tier 1 methods for all pollutants from all sources Tier 2 methods for potential key sources Tier 3 methods for particularly important methods or methods already included in the Guidebook Emission factors, both default and technology dependant values for a range of process conditions and abatement technologies that might occur in different countries Uncertainty estimates for emission factors - [updated more consistent and more complete info on a number of areas....] - incl. General description about technologies and abatement technologies in use - TFEIP expert panels input

What next? May 07 consultants present GB proposed structure and example chapters at the TFEIP meeting Feb 07-Feb 08 meetings organised by the consultants with expert panels to discuss and draft relevant sections of the GB and with Advisory Editorial Group to discuss progress of work Oct 07 consultants present progress of work at the joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Feb/March 08 Scientific, TFEIP and EIONET reviews of draft updated and restructured GB May 08 consultants incorporate comments May 08 TFEIP and EIONET members receive for info the revised draft version June 08 TFEIP recommends to EMEP SB the approval of the new GB Sept 08 EMEP SB recommends to UNECE EB the endorsement of the new GB Dec 08 UNECE EB endorses the new GB During 2007 EEA will work together with the TFEIP chair, the UNECE secretariat, EMEP SB chair and DG ENV on a maintenance plan for the new Guidebook. The plan will clarify roles and responsabilities and estimate the necessary resources