Multiply 1-digit #’s by multiples of 10 Unit of Study: 14 Global Concept Guide: 1 of 1
Content Development This GCG should be taught through hands on experience using base ten blocks so students conceptually understand the idea of multiplying a 1-digit number by a multiple of ten. It is helpful to place multiplication tasks in contextual story problems. It is not uncommon for students to arrange the base-ten pieces in a nice array even if the story problem does not suggest it. Encourage students to use the base-ten pieces when solving these types of problems Avoid teaching the “Zeros Trick” as it leads to simply following a procedure with little conceptual understanding attached.
Day 1 How can you use base ten blocks to model multiplication? The focus of Day 1 is having students model multiplication with base ten blocks Provide students with a problem similar to: The Scout troop wanted to package up 7 fire starter kits as a fund-raising project. If each pack will have 40 fire starters, how many fire starters are the Scouts going to need? Students can utilize base ten blocks and their understanding of multiplication to model the problem. Students can then regroup their base ten blocks to find that the product of 7 x 40 is 280
Day 2 How can you use your knowledge of basic facts to solve problems involving multiples of ten? The focus of Day 2 is connecting students experiences with base 10 blocks to basic facts. Sample task:
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention For students who are struggling with the concept of multiplying by multiples of ten. Encourage the use of base ten blocks to help them model and solve the problems. Utilize the Intervention activity in the Multiples of Ten Multiply lesson. The Multiples of Ten game can be used in conjunction with the base ten blocks to help students develop their understanding. For students who need extension with the concept of multiplying by multiples of ten, have students play the Multiples of Ten Multiply game.