Chapter 2 The Fertile Crescent
Section 5 Judaism
Judaism is… Monotheistic – belief in one god
Israelites believe… God is present everywhere Knows everything Has complete power God promised Abraham that his people would be kings and build nations Covenant – binding agreement Expected to follow God’s laws, be kind and just Moses, Israelite leader who lived around 1200 B.C. – renewed covenant God lead Israelites to Canaan “promised land” They obey God faithfully
The heart of Judaism Ten Commandments Torah set other laws Given to Moses by God Set religious duties to God Set rules for correct behavior Torah set other laws Deal with everyday matters Deal with food preparation Explained punishment of crimes and equal punishment Call on leaders to carry out laws with mercy and justice Torah is made up of 5 books: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Christians adopted these books as the first 5 books of the Old Testament
What about Men & Women? Men - head of family, owned his wife and children Sold his daughter into marriage Men could only seek divorce One successful woman - a judge – Deborah Later on, they were not allowed to take part in religious services
Prophets Prophet - religious leader, told the Israelites what God wants them to do Disobeying Gods law = disaster Preached a code of moral behavior Said all people are equal before God Kings had to obey God’s laws
Moving yet again… A.D. 135 Romans added to the diaspora - scattering of people - began by Assyrians and Chaldeans Romans drove the Israelites out of their land Scattered them to different parts of the world Wherever they settled they preserved their heritage Lived in close communities Obeyed religious laws and their traditions Celebrate Passover – freedom from slavery – Exodus from Egypt Helped them get through harsh times
Influence on other religions Has influenced Christianity and Islam Same geographic region Monotheistic Honor Abraham, Moses, and other prophets Same moral point of view