Suzaku Observations of our Milky Way Center Katsuji Koyama Kyoto University, JAPAN
Spacecraft and Instruments 6.5m 1700kg X-ray Telescope(XRT) 1.9m 2 Spacecraft and Instruments 6.5m 1700kg X-ray Telescope(XRT) (4units for XIS, 1unit for XRS)NASA/GSFC -Nagoya-ISAS/JAXA 1.9m Hard X-ray Detector HXD Tokyo-ISAS/JAXA-Riken-Saitama-Hiroshima-Kanazawa-... X-Ray CCD * XIS MIT-Osaka-Kyoto - ISAS/JAXA X-ray Micro Calorimeter: XRS NASA/GSFC-Wisconsin -ISAS/JAXA-Tokyo Metro.
Plasma Parameters ~0.70° ~0.36° T ~ 108 K L2-10 ~ 2x1036ergs/s Size ~ 50pc x 30pc nave ~ 0.1cm-3 npeak ~ 0.4cm-3 Egas ~ 3x1052ergs ~0.70° ~0.36° R: 6.7keV, G:2.45keV, B: 6.4keV Escape Time scale: tesc = Size/Cs = 2x104yr Heating Rate = Egas/tesc~5x1040ergs/s~10-3 SN yr -1 Very High ! (1) High SN rate ! Many SNRs in the GC (2) Past Activities (Flares) of the Super massive black hole Sgr A* (eg. Koyama+96)
Spatial Distribution of the Galactic Diffuse X-Rays and Time Variability of the 6.4-keV Clumps (1) Diffuse ? or Integrated point sources ? X-ray reflection ? by Sgr A* ? GC 2.5 keV (He-like S) 6.7 keV (He-like Fe) 6.4 keV (Neutral Fe)
l-distribution b-distribution Point source Flux (4.8-8 keV) The 6.7 keV line flux vs Integrated point source flux (Chandra deep exposure) near GC ( |I| < 0.3 deg) l-distribution b-distribution Sgr A* Point source Flux (4.8-8 keV) ( b)
The 6.4keV Clump EW=1.8 keV EW=1.8 keV M 359.43 M 359.47
(1.5 sigma for the 6.7 keV line) 6.4 keV Line is time variable. (Muno et al. 2007) A Clump near the Radio Arc Chandra (2002) Suzaku (2005) Sgr A* Sgr A* Chandra (2002) Suzaku (2005) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.4 keV line 7.83-0.14+0.14 6.89-0.14+0.12 * (10-5 photons s-1cm-2) * 4.7 sigma variability (1.5 sigma for the 6.7 keV line)
The Sgr B2 Cloud This flux change can not be explained by electrons. Variability time scale of the 6.4 keV flux ~5 - 10 ys (Inui et al. 2008) M 0.66 G 0.570 ~10pc This flux change can not be explained by electrons. We need X-ray irradiation. Where is the X-ray source ?
1994年 X-ray front 2000年 2004年 2005年
2ay=x2 - a2: a = 300 light-years Sgr A* If the X-ray front has a narrow width ~10 ly, then X-ray reflection zone is parabola, where the origin of the coordinate is Sgr A*
* Sawada et al. 2004
Conclusions Integrated flux of point sources contributes a small fraction of the total Galactic center X-rays (GCX). (2) Major fraction of the GCX is diffuse . (3) 6.4 keV line clumps are time variable, hence the most probable origin is X-ray reflection by the past active Sgr A*