Why we need them. Meeting 2 Consumer Insights Why we need them. Meeting 2
Sweet Spot Section 1 Consumer insight + brand insight = ss Marketers who are satisfied with surface insights and don’t use brand insights miss the ss. Use the 5th P: People/personalization We need to know who are customers are and how they look at life.
Consumer Insights What four things should a marketer should know about you? Why? What are you thinking about now? How do your thoughts differ from marketing objectives?
For each client or brand: Define your customers the way they think about themselves. Look at life from their point of view. Think about the best ways to bring your products and services to consumers. EXERCISE: How will you do the above with parents buying video games for their kids?
Make a connection Describe an advertising message that made a connection to you. What action did you take after the connection was made? Do advertising messages always lead to behavioral changes?
Persuasion and persuading What person have you tried to persuade recently? What were you trying to accomplish? What was the outcome? What insight did you use for success? What insight did you miss for failure?
Consumer’s shoes How would you put yourself in the shoes of a consumer 65+ with an active lifestyle whom you wanted to persuade to buy Rockport walking shoes? How would you put yourself in the shoes of a teenage consumer whom you wanted to persuade to drink milk?
Insight research Don’t conduct consumer research if: Research isn’t necessary in this instance. Previous research answered your questions appropriately.
Why research fails The wrong questions are asked Researchers anticipate answers and guide results Questions are asked incorrectly Just asking changes the situation No such thing as scientific objectivity
Why research fails Experiments are conducted People are not animals in labs Relationships are created outside traditional facilities Natural habitats are the best settings for informal group discussions
Why research fails Researchers interrogate Disclosure rather than discussion is desirable Terms and assumptions must be explained People don’t mean what they say Pleasing the moderator (halo effect)
Why research fails The ‘gap’ between what people say and do is not recognized Numbers don’t inspire creativity People interpret research differently Moderator notices body language Observer draws different conclusions Researchers stick to old rules Creativity means thinking out of the box
Research Assumptions Ask reasons why; seek meaning Qualitative methods Ask reasons why; seek meaning Use natural setting Rely on subjectivity Pose a research question Find multiple truths Quantitative methods Record how many, how often, when Use standardized forms and spaces Seek objectivity Test a hypothesis Find a single truth
Qualitative Researchers Want to know the categories of meaning consumers use in everyday life Use observation and unstructured interviews to probe meanings Allow concepts to emerge from the data Collect and interpret narrative data Analyze data using codes and categories Establish relationships with consumers
Meaning is key to understanding What is your favorite possession? How did you acquire it? What story can you tell about what it means to you? How can this insight help to understand how to sell you a brand?