Do you think there are valid reasons for a nation to go to war Do you think there are valid reasons for a nation to go to war? Consider the reasons that were applicable to World War I, listed below. Which of these do you think are good and valid reasons to go to war? Which are not? Why do you think so? To protect your homeland from invasion To defend people in a peaceful, neutral country To fulfill obligations arising from international alliances To make your country military or economically stronger than other countries To gain power and territorial outposts in other parts of the world To secure natural resources vital to your nation’s economy To help end a war and to prevent future wars
MAIN Causes of World War I
M: Militarism A: Alliances I: Imperialism N: Nationalism
MILITARISM Definition: When a nation makes the military and army the most important part of a state, leading to huge armies and weapons How it caused WWI: Every nation was ready for a huge war, and eager to flex their muscles in war. Example: Every country, especially Germany, built huge armies leading up to war.
ALLIANCES Definition: Partnerships between different countries to protect each other in case they are attacked Why were alliances created? “Mutual defense” How it caused WWI: A small conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary turned into a huge war involving all of Europe Examples: Triple Entente (England, France, Russia) Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy)
IMPERIALISM Definition: When a powerful, industrialized country takes over and rules a weaker country for its resources and wealth How it caused WWI: Led to competition and conflict between the great European nations
NATIONALISM Definition: Extreme patriotism and pride in one’s country, making people do anything (especially go to war) to help their nation Example: France was very eager to gain revenge and defeat Germany after losing to them in war in 1871 Example: Germans believed they were destined to conquer all of Europe by war.
M: Militarism A: Alliances I: Imperialism N: Nationalism
“THE POWDER KEG” Europe was like a “powder keg,” ready to explode and create widespread chaos and destruction. June 28, 1914: Gavrilo Princip (Serbian) kills Archduke Franz Ferdinand (next king of Austria-Hungary) to try to gain independence