Module 4: Understanding Data Collection and a Problem-Solving Process NC Preschool Pyramid Model: Tier II Supports for Emotional and Social Development Module 4: Understanding Data Collection and a Problem-Solving Process
Objectives The Learner will: Describe behavior using specific and measurable terms
Objectives The Learner will: Understand different ways to collect data on challenging behavior
Objectives The Learner will: Understand the importance of data collection in a problem-solving process
A Closer Look at Behavior
Form, Function, and Consequence
Problem Solving Process Define Problem with Precision Evaluate Effectiveness of Instructional Strategy Explore Possible Solutions Collect and Use Data Choose an Appropriate Instructional Strategy Act on the Instructional Strategy
Data Collection Event recording Anecdotal recording A-B-C recording Duration recording
Data Collection Type this in your browser:
Describing Behavior in Specific and Measurable Terms Instructions: Turn and talk to a partner Discuss each of the behavioral terms in the left hand column Describe how each behavior looks using more specific, observable, and measurable terms Write these terms down in the right hand column
All About Tim
Anecdotal Recording What Does Challenging Behavior Look Like? 1:46 Insert video
Classroom Behavior Record
Classroom Behavior Record for Tim
A-B-C Learning Opportunity
Duration Recording Chart
Recording Duration of Behavior
3:55 Insert video
Examples from the Field
Problem Solving Process Define Problem with Precision Evaluate Effectiveness of Instructional Strategy Explore Possible Solutions Collect and Use Data Choose an Appropriate Instructional Strategy Act on the Instructional Strategy