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Conversion of Fischer projection to R-S configuration This Learning object shows you how to convert the Fischer projection of a given molecule to its R-S configuration. Author: Rachit Agarwal Department of chemistry, IIT Bombay
Learning objectives: 1 After interacting with this Learning Object, the learner will be able to: convert any molecule given in Fisher projection to R-S configuration 2 3 4 5
Definitions of the components: Stereocenter or stereogenic center: It is any point in a molecule, though not necessarily an atom, bearing groups, such that an interchanging of any two groups leads to a stereoisomer (the atoms making up the isomers are joined up in the same order but have a different spatial arrangement.) Chirality center: It is a stereocenter consisting of an atom holding a set of atoms or groups of atoms in a spatial arrangement which is not superimposable on its mirror image. A chiral center is a generalized extension of an asymmetric carbon atom, which is a carbon atom bonded to four different entities, such that an interchanging of any two groups gives rise to an enantiomer. Fischer projection: Fischer Projections are abbreviated structural forms that allow one to convey valuable stereochemical information to a chemist without them having to draw a 3D structural representation of a molecule. These representations are only used for molecules that contain stereogenic centers, which are then represented as simple crosses. They can be derived by considering the more accurate 3D representation using wedges and assuming the convention that horizontal lines represent bonds coming out of the plane of the paper and vertical lines represent bonds going behind the plane of the paper. 1 2 3 4 5
Sequence rules: 1 There are certain rules that are to be followed while assignment of the R/S to Fischer projection To assign the priority of the atoms around the chiral center Look at the atoms directly attached to the chiral atom, the higher atomic no gets higher priority. In case of isotopes, higher atomic number gets higher priority. If directly attached atoms are same then go for the next atom attached to this atom , and higher atomic no gets higher priority In Fischer projection the atoms/bonds which are in the horizontal line should come out of the plane while those are in vertical line should be going inside the plane If the lowest priority group is in the vertical plane then R remains R S remains S and If the lowest priority group in the horizontal plane then S becomes R , R becomes S. While checking the direction of the curl around the atom, the lowest priority is not considered. 2 3 4 5
Notations: 1 S stands for sinister which means the anti clock wise rotation of the curl around the chiral center if the lowest priority group is away from viewer R stands for rectus which means the clock wise rotation of the curl around the chiral center if the lowest priority group is away from viewer 2 Arrow showing the sense of the rotation of the curl (anti clock wise) 3 Arrow showing the sense of the rotation of the curl (clock wise) R / S are simple notation and are used at each cross section. (carbon atom) 4 Numerical 1,2,3,4 are used for the notation of each atom around a particular cross section (carbon atom) 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 1: Molecule in a Fisher projection Description Audio Narration Show the image as above. This is a molecule in its Fisher projection. The horizontal lines represent bonds coming out of the plane of the paper and vertical lines represent bonds going behind the plane of the paper. 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 2: Naming the chiral centers C1 C2 Description Audio Narration 1) Show the plum colour arrow, then the text appears. Each chiral center is named separately as C1 and C2 2) Show the blue colour arrow and then the text. 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 3: Assignment of C1 Magnified view Description Audio Narration 1) Make the figure in Step 2 smaller and bring it to the lowermost left corner. 2) Make the circle appear. 3) Then show the magnified view 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 4: Assignment of C1 Description Audio Narration 1) Make the magnified figure in Step 3 smaller, and bring it to the uppermost left corner. Let us check all the four atoms attached to chiral atom for the priority order. 2) show the yellow arrow 3) Then show the figure on the right side 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 5: Assigning priority numbers Interact-ivity type Instructions to the user Instructions to the animator Drag and drop (multiple attempts) Drag and drop the appropriate number in the blue boxes according to the priority 1) Figure from step 4 continues on screen 4) Once all the numbers are correct display the feedback as given on next slide. 2) Show the numbers 1,2,3,4 and then blue boxes 3) Display the instructions to the user. 4 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 5: Answer and feedback Feedback /Output Atomic number of fluorine is 9, the combined atomic number of OH is 9 but primary atoms get highest priority so fluorine gets 1st priority whereas OH gets 2nd priority. That leaves carbon at both ends so we check for the next attached atom to them. Chlorine has higher atomic number than hydrogen so C,Cl,C,H gets 3rd priority. 4 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 6: Removing the lowest priority group Description Audio Narration 1) Keep the image from Step 5 (Answer and feedback) for some time. While checking the direction of the curl around the atom, the lowest priority is not considered. 2) Display the image as shown (right side) to show that 4th part disappears. 4 5
Step 7: Giving the direction of rotation and assignment of R/S 1 2 C1 C2 3 Description Audio Narration 1) Keep the image from Step 6 for some time. The lowest priority group (# 4) is on a vertical bond; the circle connecting the groups with priorities 1 to 2 to 3 goes clockwise, so the stereocenter in this Fischer projection has an R- configuration. 2) Display the arrow from 1 – 2 – 3 3) Display text “R” 4 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 8: Assignment of C2 Magnified view Description Audio Narration 1) From the previous screen(slide) keep only the lowermost left corner figure with the text “R” as shown above Now let us apply the same steps to C2. 2) Make the circle appear. 3) Then show the magnified view 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 9: Assignment of C2 Description Audio Narration 1) Make the magnified figure in Step 8 smaller, and bring it to the uppermost left corner. Let us check all the four atoms attached to chiral atom for the priority order. 2) show the yellow arrow 3) Then show the figure on the right side 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 10: Assigning priority numbers Interact-ivity type Instructions to the user Instructions to the animator Drag and drop (multiple attempts) Drag and drop the appropriate number in the blue boxes according to the priority 1) Figure from step 9 continues on screen 4) Once all the numbers are correct display the feedback as given on next slide. 2) Show the numbers 1,2,3,4 and then blue boxes 3) Display the instructions to the user. 4 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 11: Answer and feedback Feedback /Output Atomic number of chlorine is 17 and that of carbon is 6. So, Cl gets first priority. At two ends there are Carbon atoms so we check for the secondary atoms. Fluorine has higher atomic number than hydrogen. So C, F, O, C gets second priority and the other carbon atom gets third priority and hydrogen gets 4th priority. 4 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 12: Removing the lowest priority group Description Audio Narration 1) Keep the image from Step 11 (Answer and feedback) for some time. While checking the direction of the curl around the atom, the lowest priority is not considered. 2) Display the image as shown (right side) to show that 4th part disappears. 4 5
Step 13: Giving the direction of rotation and assignment of R/S 2 3 C1 C2 Description Audio Narration 1) Keep the image from Step 12 for some time. The lowest priority group (# 4) is on a horizontal bond, then the structure as drawn has the lowest priority group oriented toward you. Therefore, your perspective on the structure is the opposite of what you need to assign the configuration directly. Reverse the configuration that you get from directly reading the Fischer projection. so the stereocenter in this Fischer projection has a S- configuration. 2) Display the arrow from 1 – 2 – 3 3) Display text “S” 4 5
3 1 2 4 5 Step 14: Combining both the chiral centres Description Audio Narration 1) Display the left side image first Thus we have assigned the R-S configuration to a molecule’s Fischer projection. 2) Display the second image then the text “R” and “S” 4 5
Questionnaire: Assign R and S to the following molecules by typing “R” or “S” appropriately in the boxes given on the fischer projection of the molecule. a) Check
Questionnaire: Assign R and S to the following molecules by typing “R” or “S” appropriately in the boxes given on the fischer projection of the molecule. b) Check
Questionnaire: Assign R and S to the following molecules by typing “R” or “S” appropriately in the boxes given on the fischer projection of the molecule. c) Check
Summary 1) In Fischer A Fischer projection is a two-dimensional representation of the sp3-hybridized carbon(s) in a molecule that allows the configuration (i.e., the stereochemistry) of a tetrahedral carbon to be shown without the use of wedges and dashes. 2) In every Fischer projection the two horizontal bonds are understood to be projecting out of the plane toward you and the two vertical bonds are projecting into the plane away from you. 3) Assigning R- and S-Configurations to Stereocenters in Fischer Projections: a) Start out by determining the relative priorities of the four substituents attached to the stereocenter by using atomic number priorities as usual. b) Remember that to correctly assign a configuration at a stereocenter you need to orient the structure so that the lowest priority group is pointing away from you. c) The lowest priority group (# 4) is on a vertical bond; the circle connecting the groups with priorities 1 to 2 to 3 goes clockwise, so the stereocenter in this Fischer projection has an R- configuration. d) If the lowest priority group (# 4) is on a horizontal bond, then the structure as drawn has the lowest priority group oriented toward you. Therefore, your perspective on the structure is the opposite of what you need to assign the configuration directly. In a case like this, draw a circle to connect the groups with priorities 1 to 2 to 3 as before but now reverse the configuration that you get from directly reading the Fischer projection.
Links for further reading Books: 1) Ernest L. Eliel and Samuel H. Wilen, Stereochemistry of organic compounds, John Wiley & Sons (2003) 2) Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, and Peter Wothers - Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press (2001) 2) Solomons, Fryhle: Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Wiley-India (2009) Weblinks: http://cobalt.rocky.edu/~barbaroj/fischer-projections.pdf