‘The Final Solution’ Starter: What can we tell from this shoe? Think about who wore it? What happened to them?
Learning Intentions Investigate the conditions in the camps used for the ‘Final Solution’
Success Criteria I can work cooperatively with other pupils to investigate the conditions in one of the camps I can use my knowledge to teach my group about one of the camps
‘The Final Solution’ To wipe out the Jewish population by gas Known as ‘The Holocaust’ – to completely burn To be done at ‘extermination camps’ 1st one – Auschwitz, Poland
Camps Task Each group will be split into 4 – one person from each table will join up into an ‘expert group’. You will have 10 minutes to discuss one of the camps and take down the information required to fill in your section of the table. You will then return to your original groups, and teach the others about your particular camp.
Bergen Belsen
Concentration Camps In your groups, find the information to fill in the following table: Name of camp: What type of camp was it and when did it operate? How many people were killed there? What happened to prisoners in the camp? Any other information? 11
Stage One – ‘resettlement’ 13
Belongings at Auschwitz
Gas Chamber
Learning Intentions Investigate the conditions in the camps used for the ‘Final Solution’
Success Criteria I can work cooperatively with other pupils to investigate the conditions in one of the camps I can use my knowledge to teach my group about one of the camps