Basketball Rules Session
Proper Attire Jewelry is prohibited Includes rings, watches, necklaces, earrings, ankle bracelets, rubber bands, belly button rings, nose rings, etc. Placing tape over area is not allowed Head Bands that are 2” thick or less are Legal. No other headwear is permitted including hats, beanies, scull caps, t-shirt sleeves, etc. Casts are prohibited (soft casts are permitted) Proper shoes are required Tennis shoes ( non-marking rubber soles ) No barefeet, sandals, open-toed shoes Knee braces are permitted with protective covers and must be approved by the intramural supervisor/athletic trainer
Sportsmanship Following each team sport contest, intramural officials and supervisors will issue sportsmanship points (Will be reviewed by IM staff to be fair) The Intramural Sports Program expects ALL participants to be sportsmanlike Teams must average 3.5 sportsmanship points per contest to be eligible for playoffs Any average below 3.5 during the regular season, the captain must meet with the Intramural Director in order to possibly participate in playoffs During playoffs, teams must have 4 sportsmanship points to advance, teams with a 3 or less will be reviewed by the IM staff to determine if they advance
Sportsmanship Points What constitutes what? 5 = NORMAL GAME: Questioning an official on rule interpretation only 4 = SOME STATIC: Some question of judgment or repeated complaints. No infractions issued 3 = DIFFICULTY: Repeated question of judgment. Unsportsmanlike call in softball, volleyball, flag football, street hockey; a yellow card in soccer or technical foul in basketball, failure to clean up trash on sidelines, dugouts, etc. 2 = HARASSMENT: Multiple unsportsmanlike calls, yellow cards, technicals (not on same participant) or spectators harassment of the officials 1 = EJECTION: Any ejection, whatever the cause (2 yellows on same player or red card) 0 = FORFEIT OR FIGHTING: Included threatening an employee. If involved in a fight your team could be removed from the league for the remainder of the season.
Eligibility All graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours Faculty and staff that are members of the Rec Center may participate in Intramurals
Eligibility cont’d No Olympic, professional, or varsity athletes in their respective sports Student is considered an athlete, when he/she participates is listed on the roster of the team Includes red-shirted athletes The number of former NCAA athletes is limited to 2 per team Any person that played an intercollegiate game is not eligible until 1 academic year after that year that they participated in Participants may only play on 2 total teams May play on one team of their gender and one Co-Rec team Violation of rule will result in suspension & possible forfeiture of team
Eligibility cont’d Each participant in each intramural sport must: Sign the waiver & give accurate information Must play 1 regular season game in order to be eligible for playoffs Players may not transfer from one team to another once they have played with a team A player wishing to change teams prior to the season and has not participated may request in writing to the Intramural Manager Even by mutual agreement, teams cannot play with an ineligible player Teams that pick up an ineligible player forfeits all games in which the person participated The ineligible player is not allowed to participate and is suspended until he/she meets with the Intramural Manager
Season Teams will typically play 1-2 games per week In order for players to be eligible for playoffs, they must play in 1 regular season game Rosters are frozen after the last regular season games and teams cannot sign additional players during the playoffs Games will scheduled anywhere from a 6pm start to an 11pm start Will depend on team’s availability Teams over .500 in record and with enough sportsmanship points automatically qualify for playoffs Dependent on the league structure, the intramural department may qualify other teams to make playoffs Due to forfeits, less games scheduled, etc.
Protests Only protests based on questions of player eligibility and rule interpretation will be accepted. No protests on judgment calls are permitted. Protests must be made at the time of the incident (report to supervisor) Once play is restarted, the situation cannot be protested (unless for player eligibility) Upheld protests will be replayed from point of rule infraction Exception: ineligible players will result in a win by forfeit During playoffs, if protest is deemed valid on ineligible player, protesting team advances, but all previous rounds remain the same
Forfeits Game time is start time! Teams are penalized 3 points per minute after start time Maximum of 4 minute grace period (maximum 12-0 lead) Teams signed in can choose not to take points Winning team must have their lineup with the minimum amount of players by start time Must have players on field checked in (not putting on cleats, showing ID’s, running to field, etc.) Forfeited teams must pay half the registration fee in order to play their next contest Forfeit will count against their season record Money must be turned in by game time of their next contest. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Forfeits Both teams may forfeit same contest Teams forfeiting twice will be removed from the league for the rest of the season ONLY EXCEPTIONS FOR 5 MINUTE GRACE PERIOD If the majority of the team had another intramural sport 1 hour prior to scheduled contest Game running over, IM Supervisors will wait until the minimum amount of players show up to start game Example: Team A had a flag football game at 7pm that is running late, if Team A has a basketball game at 8pm, the IM Supervisors will wait until there are 4 people (minimum to start) at the court to start the game If the game prior to your contest runs over the 1 hour period, the teams scheduled will be expected to start ASAP A 5 minute grace period starts a the conclusion of the prior game.
Equipment The Intramural Department will provide the ball and officials Players that have a ball checked out, must check it back in to get their ID back to sign-in.
Intramural Basketball Rules Any rules not covered by Rowan Intramurals will follow NFHS guidelines Teams consist of five players Need at least 4 to start Teams may play with less than 4 if a player is injured In order to win by forfeit, one team must have 4 players signed in by game time
Basketball Rules (cont.) The Players No participants may be varsity basketball players including Prop 48 and practice squad players All players must show a valid Rowan-ID each contest in order to be eligible Players must show ID, not the captains gathering all the ID’s for the supervisor/scorekeeper For those coming after game time, they must show ID to scorekeeper to check-in (wait to do at dead ball) Illegal players will result in a technical foul and ejection of the guilty player & possible forfeiture of the team Captain and illegal player must meet with Intramural Director
Basketball Rules (cont.) Player Equipment Jewelry of any kind Penalty: Technical foul. Scorers will issue pinnies if needed. The number will be noted on the scorecard. There CANNOT be players with a zero and double-zero on the same team. Failure to return a pinnie, or proper evidence of destruction of the pinnie, will result in that player being removed from the league. It is strongly recommended that all teams have the same colored shirts with numbers (3’’ high) on the front and/or back of the shirt.
Basketball Rules (cont.) The Game Two 18-minute halves Running clock first 16 minutes of the Each Half. Halftime will be 3 minutes Clock stops the last 2 minutes of each half for all dead ball situations, timeouts, & officials timeouts Exception: Running clock if a team is winning by 30 or more points in the last 2 minutes of the game Mercy Rule Anytime a team is winning by 50+ points in the second half NO PRESSING IF UP BY 20 POINTS IN SECOND HALF Will be warned, but after warnings, is a technical foul
Basketball Rules (cont’d) Timeouts 3 per Game, If no timeouts are used in the first half they will carry over to the second half. Time-outs may only be called by the team with possession of the ball or during a dead ball situation. Only players that are in the game may call a time-out. Bench personnel and coaches may not call time-out. Time-outs in excess of the allotted number will result in a technical foul Teams will receive 1 timeout per overtime
Basketball Rules (cont’d) Overtime 4 minute running clock until the last minute of play During the regular season, only 1 overtime period will be played. During playoffs, overtimes will be played until a winner is declared. There will be a 1 minute intermission after each overtime period 1 timeout in overtime (timeouts from regulation do not carry over)
Basketball Rules (cont’d) Substitutions Substitutions may only occur after the whistle, or at halftime AND all substitutes must report to the scorer. Failure to report to the scorer will result in a technical foul. On multiple shot free throws, that person may not enter until prior to the last free throw A player cannot enter the game during play. If a player enters during play, he/she will receive a technical foul
Substitutions All substitutes must report to the scorer table prior to entering Work with scorekeeper to recognize when subs are at the table On a 2 shot foul: only substitute after the 1st shot Sub on 1st shot of 1 on 1 or 1 shot foul Running on court without acknowledgement of the official is a technical foul: Must beckon players on A player cannot enter during play Use preventative officiating and count players to ensure proper number before starting play after dead ball
Basketball Rules (cont’d) Fouls A player shall be allowed 5 personal fouls per game. On the fifth personal, that player shall be removed from the game. A personal foul is a player foul that involves illegal contact with an opponent while the ball is live, which hinders an opponent from performing normal defensive and offensive movements. Two technical fouls against a player or coach result in immediate ejection of that person from the game. Slapping either backboard or grabbing the rim is a technical foul. Dunking is not allowed before, during, or after a contest. Participants that violate this will be assessed a technical foul.
Fouls Players in the act of shooting that are fouled (basket missed) will be given 2-3 free throws If a basket is made in the act of shooting w/ a foul: only 1 shot On 7 fouls or after a player will shoot a 1 on 1 Exception (Player Control and Team Control Fouls) On 10 fouls or more, a player will shoot 2 free throws Player Control Foul & Team Control Foul No free throws (basket dis-allowed) and possession given to opposing team at spot of foul Use preventative officiating when assessing fouls and technicals: talk to players and prevent situations
Fouls Technical Foul Intentional Foul 2 free throws and retain possession at out of bounds at midcourt 2 Technical fouls on a player/coach results in disqualification/ejected player: cannot play until meets with IM director Dunking before, during, and after game is not permitted Slapping the backboard, or grabbing the rim is not allowed Can grab rim to prevent injury (player below) Intentional Foul 2 free throws and retain possession at point of interruption Flagrant Foul (Technical Foul & Automatic Ejection)
Miscellaneous For what situations are technical fouls assessed? Abusive language or conduct towards opponents or officials Cursing loudly (either to self or anyone else) Delay of game Intentionally slapping backboard and any dunking Illegal substitution Fans are out of control Player is caught wearing illegal equipment Players constantly complaining about calls Only the captain should speak to the officials Tips for officiating Be confident in calls Call handchecking and push in back on rebounds early and often
Lane Spaces Max of 4 defensive players and 2 offensive players The first two spaces by the baseline MUST be occupied by defensive players The two spaces next to the shooter must remain empty Players must wait for ball to hit the rim to move Includes players outside FT line extended Penalty for defense and offense violations Required X X O X
Marked spaces In too early Faking coming in Disconcertion Shooter: Others Shooter: Hold for more than 10 seconds Cross line before ball hits rim Shoot an air ball.
Out of Bounds The rafters/ceiling Behind the backboard Metal Support and wires If the ball hits the top of the backboard and comes back into play it is NOT out of bounds. However if the ball hits the top of the backboard and goes over, it is out of bounds.
Co-Rec Basketball Rules The Players Each team shall consist of five players, 3 females and 2 males, or 3 males and 2 females. A minimum of 2 females and 2 males can be used to start a game and continue play throughout the course of the game. Exception: Three players are allowed if an individual cannot continue due to an injury or he/she has fouled out of the game. However, there must always be at least one member of each sex represented on the team. Equipment A men's or women's ball may be used. If teams cannot agree on a ball, a coin toss will determine which ball is used.
Co-Rec Basketball Rules(cont’d) Scoring Three points will be awarded when a female makes a shot inside the three-point line. Two points will be awarded when a male makes a shot inside the three-point line. Four points will be awarded when a female makes a shot from behind the three-point line. Three points will be awarded when a male makes a shot from behind the three-point line.
Co-Rec Basketball Rules(cont’d) Free Throws All free throws shot by a female are worth 2 points. A female fouled in the act of shooting from inside the three-point line will receive two free throws worth 2 points each, a male would receive two free throws worth 1 point each. A female fouled in the act of shooting from beyond the three-point line will receive three free throws worth 2 points each, a male would receive three free throws worth 1 point each.
Basics of Basketball Officiating Must never start play if partner is not ready and make eye contact Don’t assume! Anticipate Always do 5 and 10 second count every time, just in case Always box in the play Stay behind or parallel to ball Mechanics/Calls Make the basic calls Don’t look for insignificant or rare calls Confidence/Use of Voice Whistle and Crisp mechanics Work on signals Rapport with Players Command Respect but be respectful Communicate with captain Warn players before ejecting Don’t socialize with one group over another
Captain’s Meeting Introduce selves and shake hands with captain’s What to look for: jewelry, headwear, knee braces, casts Look for player tendencies NO DUNKING: AUTOMATIC TECHNICAL FOUL Before, during, and after the game Discuss that only captain’s should speak to officials Tell them that they can calmly discuss situations at dead ball incidences, injuries, or time-outs Wish the teams a good game
Violations Kicking – striking the ball with the knee or any part of the leg or foot below the knee. Only when it is an intentional act is it a violation Backcourts – when a team with control in the front court throws the ball into the backcourt that was last touched by their team. Traveling – moving a foot or feet in any direction in excess of prescribed limits while holding the ball 3 seconds – a player may not be in the free throw lane for more than 3 seconds Closely Guarded – a player may not hold/dribble the ball for more than 5 seconds while in his/her frontcourt when a defender is closely guarding within 6 feet
Violations *Blow whistle, with hand up simultaneously w/ open palm* SIGNAL FOR OUT OF BOUNDS AND DIRECTION Travel: so many ways Backcourt Violation Three-second Violation Five-second Violation Closely guarded Ten-second Violation Kickball Double Dribble Three-point attempt and good Close three-pointer that is a two-pointer Directional Point Jump Ball Goaltending/ Basket Interference Carry or Palming Timeout Throw-In Violation
Fouls… Block - blocking is illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball Illegal Contact (Hit) – hitting the arm of the dribbler/shooter Allow players to block shots though Charge - charging is illegal personal contact caused by pushing or moving into an opponent's torso No points can be scored on a player control foul Shooting Fouls – the try starts when the player begins the motion which habitually precedes the release of the ball (continuation)
Fouls Illegal Screens – a player who uses contact to delay or prevent a player from reaching a desired position Intentional Fouls - contact away from the ball or when not playing the ball; excessive contact; a foul designed to keep the clock from starting Result? Points on Player Control - a common foul committed by a player while he/she is in control of the ball or by an airborne shooter; the points will be waived Ex: charge, illegal offensive screen Ejections – two technical fouls will result in an automatic ejection; flagrant fouls will result in an automatic ejection; two ejections will result in a forfeit
Basket Interference Result? Occurs when a player touches the ball or any part of the basket while the ball is on or within the basket; touches the ball while any part of the ball is within the imaginary cylinder which has the basket from ring as its lower base; reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball before it enters the cylinder; pulls down a movable ring so that it contacts the ball before the ring returns to its original position Result?
Goaltending Goaltending – occurs when a player touches the ball during a field goal try or tap while: The ball is in downward flight The entire ball is above the level of the basket ring Result?