Ancient Greece Comic Strip Review your notes and the textbook around each event so you can represent it well on the comic strip. Divide your paper into 4 boxes on the front and four boxes on the back. You will put one event in each box in the following manner: List event with approximate date/year A picture to symbolize the event Write 1-2 bullet points with details about the event. What will you need to know for the test about that event? Events Pt. 1 Minoans establish civilization on Crete – Notes/pg.176 Mycenaean establish civilization on Mainland – Notes/pg. 176-177 Greece’s Dark Ages – Notes/pg. 177-178 Building Colonies – notes/pg. 179 Pt. 2 Tyrants rule Greece – notes/183-184 Solon cancels debts and frees slaves - 188 Peisistratus gives land to landless and loaned money - 188 Cleisthenes begins Democracy in Athens - 189 Artwork should be detailed, symbolic and a quality representation of the event Also should be as neat as possible. However, you will not be graded on artistic ability. Color if you have time at the end.