Reading Visuals
Reading Visuals & Visual Literacy: Making meaning from information presented in the form of an image
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview: generalization of the piece Parts: what pieces is the work divided into? Text/Title: what words are used & why? Innards: how are the parts connected/related? Conclusion: what is being stated? So What?: what does it mean? Matter?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Directions for Think-Pair-Share: Get in a group of 3 Choose a chart to analyze Apply OPTICS Share Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
Reading Visuals: 6 Steps o P T I C S Overview Parts Text/Title Innards Conclusion So What?
OPTICS: “How To Be AN Army” Deconstruct the visual on page 295 Apply the elements of OPTICS explicitly Answer “The Strategies” 1-3