JPIAMR 2018 financial update Laura Marin JPIAMR Head of Secretariat MB Meeting 2018 Leuven, 24 October 2018
Implementation Activities 1. Mapping the AMR investments and resources 2. Developing International Collaboration 3. Exploratory / Scoping workshops 4. Joint Calls for Research Proposals 5. Alignment of Research Programs and AMR international policies 6. Virtual Research Institute (research infrastrucutes, research institutes and capacity building)
JPIAMR Boards JPIAMR Working Groups Board Chair Secretariat Contact SC Carlos Segovia, Spain Laura M MB SAB Laura Piddock Linda Core Call Group Maria Starborg, Sweden Maria JPIAMR Working Groups WG NAME WG Chair WP LEADER Secretariat Contact WG Governance Rafael, Spain ICIII, Spain Patriq WG Globalisation Akin, Germany DLR, Germany Laura M WG Policy Alignment Karin, Sweden SRC, Sweden Patriq, Laura M WG Research Alignment Linda, NL Zonw, NL Laura P WG VRI Edith, Canada WG RI Margeet, NL Laura P, Maria S WG Industry Jonathan, UK ANR, France Laura M, WGs Coordination
EXEDRA CSA2 (Max. Grant Amount) Total budget 2017-2020 EXEDRA CSA2 (Max. Grant Amount) Participant no./Participant short name WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 Total Personnel costs 1/SRC (Sweden) 70.0 13.0 8.0 5.0 35.0 831,500.00 2/ANR (France) 10.0 50,000.00 3/ANCSI (Romania) 3.0 12,900.00 5/CSO-MOH (Israel) 22,500.00 6/DLR (Germany) 17.0 2.0 150,062.00 7/ISCIII (Spain) 1.0 40,500.00 8/INCDMIC (Romania) 4.0 17,200.00 9/MRC (UK) 22,000.00 10/MINCyT (Argentina) 24,000.00 11/MINECO (Spain) 13/ZonMW (Holland) 15.0 142,500.00 15/NCN (Poland) 30,100.00 Total PM 74.0 16.0 37.0 27.0 23.0 40.0 1,365,762.00 475,000 88,000 242,966 144,500 175,296 250,000 1,375,762.00 Total Travel costs 90,000 20,000 5,000 115,000.00 Subcontracting 72,000 72,000.00 Other direct costs 63,000 45,000 50,000 3,000 171,000.00 Total budget 628,000 93,000 307,966 154,500 225,296 325,000 1,733,762.00 Indirect costs 25% 157,000 23,250 76,992 38,625 56,324 63,250 415,440.50 785,000 116,250 384,958 193,125 281,620 388,250 2,149,202.50
Finances reporting costs 2017- June 2018
Highlights members in-kind contributions 2018 Belgium Host 1 Management Board meeting Canada Staff in-kind for preparations development VRI (20%) Sweden 1FT staff in-kind contribution to the Secretariat UK Support meetings and TC with the industry and related travel costs Spain, Sweden, France, Germany, South Africa Member countries supporting the work and travel costs of the SC members
Timeline finances – beyond 2020 EU support until end 2020 New EU framework programme for 2021 Need to start plans on future finances and sustainability
Thank you! @JPIAMR