Brush! All-America City 2014
2013 – learning the All-America City ropes Jumped in at last minute and made it as finalist Came not quite knowing what to expect Did not get designation, but certainly came back with a greater understanding of what we needed to bring next time
2014 – stepping things up In November, we began putting together committee of community members Met in January for first meeting to begin planning Main focus was application and projects we would focus on Met every month over lunch, watched previous winners presentations while we ate, then got to work Had four writers as part of committee who each had a part ‘Sub-committee’ met every couple of weeks
Projects Healthy Collaboration - COMOM (2011)
Projects Healthy Commerce – Downtown Revitalization Project (2010-2013)
Projects Healthy Community – Focuses on improving local healthcare (Hospital Expansion, HEAL City, Weigh and Win program, parks and recreation)
Downtown Revitalization Project Downtown was in disrepair, out of code, curbs too high, lighting was terrible, flooding was a big problem In 2006 a steering committee established to discuss reviving downtown Two big challenges: 4.35 million dollar budget; construction of new downtown is a long process that could kill businesses
Downtown Revitalization Project In 2006, citizens approved ballot measure to increase sales tax 0.6% to put money aside solely for street improvement Improvement district was created for businesses Received grant for $120,000 from DOLA to fund engineering and design, and $938,000 from CDOT for construction costs Project was split up into three phases, and construction began in 2010
Downtown Revitalization Project Community and Chamber of Commerce rallied around businesses to show additional support during construction Primary focus of project completed in 2012 Nine new businesses in downtown since then Sales tax figures have grown 20% from 2009 to 2013 2010 Brush! awarded Best Downtown Management Program Implementation Award by the State of Colorado 2013 the City received the Governor’s Award for Downtown Excellence - Best Public Space for a Main Street
Prepare for presentation Put together presentation committee to work on what and how we wanted to present Brush! at competition
Prepare for presentation In final weeks we met multiple times to practice presentation First time everyone practiced together was the morning of the presentation (yikes!)