Influences and Opportunities for a healthy, active lifestyle GCSE PE: Theory Unit 2: Lesson 2 Influences and Opportunities for a healthy, active lifestyle 1 of 28
GCSE PE COURSE: THEORY: 40% Written examination at end of course (1.5hrs with 80 marks – last 2 questions require ‘Quality Written Communication’) SECTION A Participation to Maximise Health & Performance (healthy, active lifestyles) 1. Reasons & benefits of participation 2. Influences & opportunities for participation 3. Components of exercise & fitness (HRE & SRF) 4. Principles & methods of training 5. Diet SECTION B The Body Systems (your healthy, active body) 6. Body types, safety and drugs 7. Respiratory system 8. Muscular system 9. Cardiovascular system 10.Skeletal system 11.Analysis of performance PRACTICAL: 60% 4 activities chosen + AoP to be assessed throughout course & again during Moderation Player/ performer + Official + Leader & Analysis of Performance Best 4 Practical activities in 2 different areas of National Curriculum with at least 2 as performer (other 2 can be performer or official or leader – see practical assessment sheet for more details) Marked out of 10 in each (worth 12.5% of final mark each) Analysis of Performance in 1 chosen activity made of 5 sections (inc. PEP) – on PowerPoint. Marked out of 20 (worth 10% of final mark) Transparent Learning: Big picture where this fits in whole PE course 2 of 28 Edexcel GCSE PE 2009
UNIT 2: Influences and opportunities for participation 3 LESSONS • identify key influences that have an impact on them, and others, achieving sustained involvement in physical activity, including: people: family, peers, role models image: fashion, media coverage cultural: age, disability, gender, race resources: access, availability, location, time health and wellbeing: illness, health problems socio-economic: cost, perceived status of the activity Unit Breakdown 3 of 28 Edexcel GCSE PE 2009
UNIT 2: Influences and opportunities for participation 3 LESSONS Explain the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way Explain the sports participation pyramid with regard to the foundation, participation, performance and elite stages THIS LESSON! Unit Breakdown 4 of 28 Edexcel GCSE PE 2009
UNIT 2: Influences and opportunities for participation 3 LESSONS Describe the common purposes of initiatives developed to provide opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity: increase participation in sport to improve health, with a focus on priority groups retain people in sport through an effective network of clubs, sports facilities, coaches, volunteers and competition create opportunities for talented performers to achieve success and their contributions to the development of healthy lifestyles. Identify agencies involved in the provisions of opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity, including: Sport England Youth Sport Trust National governing bodies. NEXT LESSON! Unit Breakdown 5 of 28 Edexcel GCSE PE 2009
Influences and Opportunities for participation Please copy down the date, title and learning outcome and complete the starter Influences and Opportunities for participation Learning Objectives: Focussing on the different roles in physical activity and the different stages of participation. What support has an Olympian athlete received? When did this support start?! Extension Task (A/B Students) Learning Outcome: A/B I can explain each stage of the participation pyramid giving examples. I can also explain the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way B/C I can list and elaborate on each stage of the participation pyramid giving examples. I can identify the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and list some of the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way C/D I know what the participation pyramid is and can label the stages correctly. I can list different roles people can take to become or remain involved in physical activity. 5 mins gone Starter: We cannot just suddenly be an elite athlete. What do you think are the stages between novice (total beginner) and elite? How many stages are there?
Sports Participation Pyramid 5 mins gone
Sports Participation Pyramid 5 mins gone
FOUNDATION Make notes… 5 mins gone
PARTICIPATION Make notes… 5 mins gone
PERFORMANCE Make notes… 5 mins gone
ELITE Make notes… 5 mins gone
Where do they fit?
Where do they fit?
Where do they fit?
Choose a task Using an elite athlete of your choice, describe the journey they took in their career from the bottom of the participation pyramid to the very top. B Identify and explain your current place on the participation pyramid. Say how you could move up the pyramid to the next level. Select and describe one of the stages of the participation pyramid. Give an example of who would be at this particular stage.
Do you have to be a performer Do you have to be a performer? Are there other ways to be involved in physical activity? TASK: List the different ways you could become or remain involved in physical activity other than being a performer! 5 mins gone Games Makers Watch this clip
Think about all of the people involved in the 2012 London Olympics and the different roles they played. Would/COULD you be a referee, umpire or official? What qualities do these people have? Could anyone be a volunteer? YOU DON’T GET PAID! 5 mins gone
1. Participant 2. Leadership 3. Officials 4. Volunteer TASK: record the required qualities for each role 1. Participant 2. Leadership 3. Officials 4. Volunteer 5 mins gone
5 mins gone
Plenary: What have we learned today? Hot Seat Sit in the chair and continue to answer questions from other students in the class. Who can get the most in a row?
Learning Outcome: A/B I can explain each stage of the participation pyramid giving examples. I can also explain the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way B/C I can list and elaborate on each stage of the participation pyramid giving examples. I can identify the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and list some of the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way C/D I know what the participation pyramid is and can label the stages correctly. I can list different roles people can take to become or remain involved in physical activity. 5 mins gone