SA Capstone Requirements and Design Week 6 SYST Winter 2015


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Presentation transcript:

SA Capstone Requirements and Design Week 6 SYST36367 - Winter 2015 Some slides adapted from: Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, CENGAGE Learning, 2012

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Design Document (Deliverable 3) Worth 30%

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Three Layer Architecture Three Layer Client-Server Architecture a client/server architecture that divides an application into view layer, business logic layer, and data layer View layer the part of the three-layer architecture that contains the user interface Business logic layer or domain layer the part of a three-layer architecture that contains the programs that implement the business rules and processes Data layer the part of a three-layer architecture that interacts with the data store Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

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Design Activities: Design the system interfaces Information systems interact with many other systems, internal and external Much more integration now System interfaces connect with other systems in many different ways Save data another system uses Read data another system saved Real time request for information Software services Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

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Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Design Patterns Design Pattern—standard design techniques and templates that are widely recognized as good practice For common design/coding problems, the design pattern suggests the best way to handle the problem. They are written up in design pattern catalogs/references. Include: Pattern name Problem that requires solution The pattern that solves the problem An example of the pattern Benefits and consequences of the a pattern Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Design Patterns Design patterns became widely accepted after the publication of Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software,(1996) by Gamma et al (the “Gang of Four”) There are architectural design patterns talked about already Three layer or model-view-controller architecture The first example of a programming design pattern shown is the Controller Pattern. Problem is deciding how to handle all of the messages from the view layer to classes in the problem domain layer to reduce coupling Solution is to assign one class between the view layer and the problem domain layer that receives all messages and acts as a switchboard directing messages to the problem domain Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Controller Pattern First step toward multilayer architecture More design patterns are at the end of the chapter Reduce coupling between view layer and problem domain/business layer classes Acts as a intermediary between outside world and internal system Acts as a switchboard Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

First Cut Design Class Diagram Proceed use case by use case, adding to the diagram Pick the domain classes that are involved in the use case (see preconditions and post conditions for ideas) Add a controller class to be in charge of the use case Determine the initial navigation visibility requirements using the guidelines and add to diagram Elaborate the attributes of each class with visibility and type Note that often the associations and multiplicity are removed from the design class diagram as in text to emphasize navigation, but they are often left on Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Start with Domain Class Diagram RMO Sales Subsystem Further elaborate the attributes Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Create First Cut Design Class Diagram Use Case Create phone sale with controller added Denotes Navigation Visibility Navigability often modelled as attributes (example Customer could have a collection each representing a Sale) Controller classes are utility classes that help in the processing of a use case Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Use Case Realization with Sequence Diagrams Use case realization—the process of elaborating the detailed design of a use case with interaction diagrams Two types of interaction diagrams UML sequence diagram (emphasized in text) UML communication diagram (also introduced) Sequence diagrams, aka use case realization sequence diagrams, extend the system sequence diagram (SSD) to show: View layer objects Domain layer objects (usually done first) Data access layer objects Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Start with System Sequence Diagram (SSD) Use case Create customer account Return messages in this case are simply for customer to verify… Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Sequence Diagram to show View Layer and Part of Problem Domain Layer Messages are method calls data passed in is the parameters Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Create Customer Account Use Case Start with domain model for Customer Account Subsystem Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Create Customer Account Use Case First cut design class diagram for use case Select needed classes, elaborate attributes, add controller, and add navigation visibility Honing down on the attributes Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Create Customer Account Use Case First cut sequence diagram expanding SSD, adding controller, and adding needed classes Note that Customer must have navigability to Address and Account Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Create Customer Account Use Case Add messages and activation to complete collaboration This is just the domain layer These domain classes handle data access, so this is a two layer architecture Use case realization Get a good idea of the methods (and params) that have to be exposed Customer object takes on responsibility for Saving itself to the database creating Address and Account classes directly  customer “owns” these classes (composition) Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition Assumptions Perfect technology assumption—First encountered for use cases. We don’t include messages such as the user having to log on. Perfect memory assumption—We have assumed that the necessary objects were in memory and available for the use case. In multilayer design to follow, we do include the steps necessary to create objects in memory. Perfect solution assumption—The first-cut sequence diagram assumes no exception conditions. Separation of responsibilities—Design principle that recommends segregating classes into separate components based on the primary focus, such as user interface, domain, and data access Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Implementation Issues Three Layer Design View Layer Class Responsibilities Display electronic forms and reports. Capture such input events as clicks, rollovers, and key entries. Display data fields. Accept input data. Edit and validate input data. Forward input data to the domain layer classes. Start and shut down the system. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Implementation Issues Three Layer Design Domain Layer Class Responsibilities Create problem domain (persistent) classes. Process all business rules with appropriate logic. Prepare persistent classes for storage to the database. Data Access Layer Class Responsibilities Establish and maintain connections to the database. Contain all SQL statements. Process result sets (the results of SQL executions) into appropriate domain objects. Disconnect gracefully from the database. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition

Group Meetings We will be meeting with each group today to assess your progress and provide some advice