The Roaring 20’s
Shopping Activity Select any catalog you want You have $10,000 in Credit to purchase anything you need. Make a list of items and their cost. Add up the total on the bottom of the page. Shopping Activity
Post War Issues (Chapter 20 Sec 1) Economic Adjustments Wartime orders decreased Workers wanted to protect their jobs Nativism – Prejudice against foreign-born people Isolationism – Pull away from involvement in world affairs Post War Issues (Chapter 20 Sec 1)
Post War Issues Communist threat – Political and economic system ruled by single party gov’t Gov’t ownership of factories, railroads, major industries No private property Vladimir Lenin – Bolsheviks in Russia Became USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Post War Issues
Limit on Imigration Fear that immigrants would take American Jobs Quota system – Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Limit immigration from each country 2% of 1890 #’s Discriminated against Eastern and Southern Europe Roman Catholic Jewish Prohibit Japanese Immig. Limit on Imigration
During the War, the Gov’t wouldn’t allow strike that interfered with war effort (Total War). Employers wouldn’t give workers raises Adjust for post war production Workers urged to join unions and strike Striking workers labeled by employers as communists Labor Unrest
Prohibition Alcohol considered the cause of corruption Crime / Child Abuse / Accidents on the Job / Rural South and West Led Mov’t Women’s Christian Temperance Movement Prohibition
Prohibition Keep soldiers from corruption during WW I 18th Amendment passed in Cong Dec 18, 1917 (Rat Jan. 16 1919) Manufacture Sale Transport Import / Export …is ILLEGAL Prohibition
Prohibition Volstead Act - Treasury Dept Speakeasy – Hidden saloons Responsible for enforcing Prohibition enforcement Speakeasy – Hidden saloons Speak softly (easy) to avoid detection Prohibition
You should have a list of items you have “Purchased” on your paper. Calculate how much money you should earn per year if you are working full time (2080 hours/ year) You should have a salary schedule for the next 5 years next to the total for your Credit Card Shopping Activity
The 19th Amendment Passed June 4, 1919 Ratified Aug 18, 1920 The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of Sex. Women’s Suffrage
Scopes Trial Tennessee Law (March 1925) John T Scopes Illegal to teach Evolution John T Scopes Biology teacher Clarence Darrow – Scopes Lawyer William Jennings Bryan - Special Prosecutor Scopes found Guilty
You should have a list of items you have “Purchased” on your paper. You should have a salary schedule for the next 5 years next to the total for your Credit Card Calculate how long it will take you to pay off your CC by Paying the minimum Pay off 10 years Pay off in 5 years Pay off in 3 years Pay off in 1 year Shopping Activity
Impact of the Automobile Automobile manufacturing increased Financing increased 80% of vehicles owned worldwide were in US 1:5 car:people Route 66 Urban Sprawl – Cities spreading out Suburbs Commute in car from farther away Impact of the Automobile
Impact of the Automobile
Standards of Living Standards of Living increased 1920-1929 US owned 40% of worlds wealth Electrical appliances Refrigerator Ovens Washing Machines Standards of Living
Production Increases Advertising prospered Production went up People wanted to buy lots of “necessities” Production went up Production Increases
1920’s Advertising
Installment Plan – Buy goods over an extended period Banks provided $$ at low interest rates “Enjoy while you pay.” Buying Goods On Credit
Shopping Activity What have you learned about Credit write out your response in the Writing assignment of your Week 16 Agenda Attach your calculation worksheet to your Week 16 Agenda Shopping Activity
The Harding Presidency (Ch 20 Sec 2) GB and Fr. Still had to pay back $10 BILLION to the U.S. from the war Sell goods to the US or collect money from Germany Fordney –McCumber Tariff Act – 1922 60 % tariff on Imported goods Chemicals / Metals …so GB and FR HAD to collect money from Germany The Harding Presidency (Ch 20 Sec 2)
The Harding Presidency (Ch 20 Sec 2) Germany defaulted (failed to make payments) on their debt to GB and FR French marched into Germany Jan 1923 Occupation of the Ruhr US investors lent Germany $2.5 Billion Dawes Plan The Harding Presidency (Ch 20 Sec 2)
The Harding Presidency (Ch 20 Sec 2) Started printing off money (unbacked) Hyperinflation The Harding Presidency (Ch 20 Sec 2)
American Industries Flourish Ch 20 Sec 3 President Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Favored low taxes Liaise Faire Economics– keep government interference out of businesses Give businesses more credit Expand business High Tariffs American Industries Flourish Ch 20 Sec 3
Shopping Activity Select any catalog you want You have $10,000 in Credit to purchase anything you need. Make a list of items and their cost. Add up the total on the bottom of the page. Shopping Activity
You should have a list of items you have “Purchased” on your paper. Calculate how much money you should earn per year if you are working full time (40 hours/Week X 52 Weeks = 2080 hours/ year) Starting wage = $?.?? Calculate in a %5 wage increase per year. Show your wages and annual gross income for the next 5 years Shopping Activity
Calculate how long it will take you to pay off your CC and how much per month you will pay by: Paying the minimum Pay off 10 years Pay off in 5 years Pay off in 3 years Pay off in 1 year How much earlier will you pay off your debt by paying an extra $20 per month? Shopping Activity