The People of Semester Two
Mangal Pandey
Jawaharlal Nehru
Indira Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi
Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mohandas Gandhi
Benazir Bhutto
General Pervez Musharaff
Sun Yat-sen
Chang Kai-Shek
Mao Zedong
Hua Guofeng
Deng Xiaoping
Jiang Zemin
Hu Jintao
Xi Xinping
Tank Man
General Douglas MacArthur
Kim Il Song
Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Un
Emperor Hirohito
King Leopold
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Paul Rusesabagina Escaped the Rwandan Genocide but not the sleeper hold by President Bush
F.W. de Klerk won Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela for ending Apartheid in South Africa
Robert Mugabe Seen here with the President of Iran, I am the leader of Zimbabwe. I rose to power through promises of cohabitation with the whites but soon after created a pro black state.
Nelson Mandela
Goodluck Jonathan
Joseph Kony