Delegation & Perseverance District Convention 2017 Kevin Myron, District Governor Angel Lau, District Secretary Shahrukh Shaikh, District Treasurer
How can I handle all this? School work Key Club duties Service projects Sports Extracurriculars Homework Sleep 8 hours Dog’s Birthday Eat healthy 50 hours of service Plan projects Grow the club Bee active in all clubs you’re in Visit family Grandma’s Bday Shower Be responsible
We know firsthand how important these two ideas are! Two Tactics for You How can you stay strong, dedicated, and motivated through the term? Delegation Perseverance We know firsthand how important these two ideas are!
What is delegation? 4
Let’s Break it Down! What we’re focusing on. Insert text here
The Forms Delegation can be expressed through many mediums In person (ex: “Hey, can you do ___”) Electronic (ex: task email) It does not matter how things are being done, but what matters is that you actually delegate.
The Importance of Delegation!
For New Leaders Many new leaders feel that delegation isn’t necessary. Multitasking may seem like a good idea, but it gets overwhelming quickly! We’re not robots! Leadership does not mean that you have to do everything -- work with others!
Spreading it Out As we learned in our younger days, sharing is caring! Divide up work evenly to ensure that everyone has enough to do. Mix it up! Swap roles so that people can be exposed to new forms of leadership.
Opportunity to Flourish Leaders Delegation gives members experience with responsibilities Grows leaders’ potential Chance to further engage Character building Spark discussion in the club Committees Task Coordinators Every member is a leader!
Staying Proactive Have a lot on your plate? Delegate tasks to ensure that you can stay on top of things! Schedule things out and plan ahead Google Calendar Reminders on your phone Planner Utilize members without positions
What is Perseverance?
“The will to persevere is often the difference between failure and success.” --David Sarnoff
Defining Perseverance The act of persevering is withholding your ground while facing adversity. Grit. Perseverance is rewarding! It’s more memorable when you work hard to achieve something rather than “winging it.”
How to Persevere Just like delegation, it can take many forms and is different for everyone. If something difficult confronts you, think about why you began the task and the end goal.
Things will get tough. Do not back down!
It All Comes Together! Although these seem like two very different subjects, they are integral in being a good leader. Show others how to delegate and persevere through obstacles as well!
Our Stories.
Your Stories!
? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!
Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Kevin Myron, District Governor, 2016-2017 Angel Lau, District Secretary, 2016-2017 Shahrukh Shaikh, District Treasurer, 2016-2017