Group 2 Day 1 Program Budgeting
Group 1 - Countries Ukraine Georgia Moldova Belarus Albania Bulgaria Russian Federation Romania
Summary of Discussions Performance Indicators Designed by line ministries in accordance with MOF/MOE methodology Methodology is adopted by regulatory act Two-level indicators--outputs and outcomes--are used Both quantitative and qualitative indicators are used There are progress indicators which are not identified as a group Administrative functions indicators are used but designing them is a challenge. Sometimes administrative functions are captured under the non-program part.
Summary of Discussions Monitoring and Evaluation In most countries ministries are required to conduct self-evaluation exercises Normally performance reports are submitted to MOF/MOE Often MOF/MOE would prepare a consolidated report and submit it to government or parliament It is common to draft and present reports to inform the public (Moldova) Performance reports are prepared annually
Summary of Discussions Monitoring and Evaluation There is no direct relationship between performance and financing, but all countries seek to use performance information when drafting the budget Eternal evaluation is conducted by an External Audit Body but it is not always done in the context of performance audit Countries acknowledge a stronger role of NGOs in conducting external evaluations Program performance information is used in the course of parliamentary hearings (Georgia)
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