OHCHR-Nepal Programme and Vision, and beyond November 2008, Kathmandu


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Presentation transcript:

OHCHR-Nepal Programme and Vision, 2009 and beyond 21 November 2008, Kathmandu

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपालका कार्यक्रम र भावी योजना सन् २००९ र पछि २०६५ मङ्‌सिर ६, काठमाडौँ

Vision OHCHR-Nepal will work with national partners to help consolidate peace and strengthen Nepal’s human rights protection system while ensuring there is no protection gap and that rule of law and accountability are strengthened

भावी योजना उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपालले संरक्षणको रिक्तता नहुने तथा कानुनी शासन र जवाफदेहीता सुदृढ हुने कुरालाई सुनिश्चित गर्दै शान्तिलाई सबल तुल्याउने तथा नेपालको मानवअधिकारलाई सुदृढ बनाउने कार्यमा मद्दत गर्न राष्ट्रिय साझेदारहरूसँग कार्य गर्नेछ।

Human Rights Context Challenges Culture of impunity Ongoing HRVs Weak State institutions Discrimination, lack of ESCR Ongoing HRVs Causes of the conflict Legacy of the conflict Challenges - Drafting of constitution - Transitional justice mechanisms - Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Commission of Inquiry on Disappearances - Conduct of security forces - Social/ political/economic inclusion * Political discourse [politicization, general suspicion, disruptions of CA – e.g. TMDP – to push particular political cause] * Weak State institutions [subject to political pressure, lack of trust by population in state mechanisms] External factors [Nepal’s relation to a) China – cf. Tibetans; b0 India – cf. floods, energy issues, but also extension of UNMIN – mandate] Challenges Drafting of Constitution [within timeframe. representation, claims for federalism/ autonomy – Madhesis, Limbuwans, …] Transitional justice mechanisms [importance of broad consultations, compatibility with international standards, recent decision by Cabinet regarding withdrawal of cases , clarification of fate of disappeared..] Conduct of Security forces [excessive use of force, torture, death in custody, discrimination, restore trust in state institutions and rule of law]

मानवअधिकारको सन्दर्भ दण्डहीनताको वातावरण कमजोर राज्य संस्था भेदभाव, आर्थिक, सामाजिक र साँस्कृतिक अधिकारको अभाव चालु मानवअधिकार उल्लङ्‍घनहरू द्वन्द्वका कारणहरू द्वन्द्वको विरासत चुनौतीहरू संविधानको मस्यौदा लेखन सङ्क्रमणकालीन न्याय संयन्त्र सत्य निरूपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोग बेपत्ता पार्ने कार्यसम्बन्धी जाँचबुझ आयोग -सुरक्षाफौजको आचरण - सामाजिक/राजनीतिक/आर्थिक समावेशीकरण * Political discourse [politicization, general suspicion, disruptions of CA – e.g. TMDP – to push particular political cause] * Weak State institutions [subject to political pressure, lack of trust by population in state mechanisms] External factors [Nepal’s relation to a) China – cf. Tibetans; b0 India – cf. floods, energy issues, but also extension of UNMIN – mandate] Challenges Drafting of Constitution [within timeframe. representation, claims for federalism/ autonomy – Madhesis, Limbuwans, …] Transitional justice mechanisms [importance of broad consultations, compatibility with international standards, recent decision by Cabinet regarding withdrawal of cases , clarification of fate of disappeared..] Conduct of Security forces [excessive use of force, torture, death in custody, discrimination, restore trust in state institutions and rule of law]

OHCHR-Nepal: Adapting to the changed human rights situation Identification of three priority areas: 1. Strengthening national human rights institutions and civil society 2. Transitional justice, rule of law and accountability 3. Discrimination and economic, social and cultural rights Restructuring of OHCHR-Nepal Integrated approach * Restructuring of OHCHR-Nepal [change management process] * Identification of three priority areas: [in which OHCHR-Nepal can have added value, impact, long-term effect]

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपाल: मानवअधिकारको परिवर्तित स्थिति अनुकूल हुने प्राथमिकताका तीनवटा क्षेत्रको पहिचान : १॰ राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्था तथा नागरिक समाजको सबलीकरण २, सङ्क्रमणकालीन न्याय, कानुनी शासन तथा जवाफदेहीता ३॰ भेदभाव तथा आर्थिक, सामाजिक र साँस्कृतिक अधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय- नेपालको पुनर्संरचना एकीकृत पद्धति * Restructuring of OHCHR-Nepal [change management process] * Identification of three priority areas: [in which OHCHR-Nepal can have added value, impact, long-term effect]

Strengthening National HR Institutions, Civil Society OHCHR-Nepal Priority Strengthening National HR Institutions, Civil Society Vision OHCHR-Nepal does not consider protection and strengthening capacity (technical cooperation) as either/or approaches but as mutually reinforcing ones. Monitoring is the foundation of all our activities, including technical cooperation. It is also important to engage in a dialogue with institutions that have the duty to protect. However, the dialogue must be a serious one that honestly addresses the key issues, if the technical cooperation is to be effective and accountable. * Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission: [Develop the capacity of NHRC, in cooperation with UNDP and the international community, to promote and protect human rights; provide support based on the CD-NHRC project; Strengthen cooperation between NHRC and civil society; Strengthen NHRC’s links with the international community] * Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions: Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities * Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders: [Strengthen the capacity, in particular in the area of human rights monitoring, investigations, reporting and advocacy, building on the training already carried out; Strengthen partnerships with human rights defenders, such as in the framework of the Accountability Watch Committee, a network of key human rights organizations.] * Strengthen capacity of civil society: Journalists, youth associations, women and historically marginalized groups [focus on key issues, including constitutional process] * Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff: [Staff development and training, including specialised human rights courses, language training and trainings related to other technical skills.]

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपालका प्राथमिकता राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्था तथा नागरिक समाजको सबलीकरण भावी योजना उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय नेपाल संरक्षण तथा क्षमता सुदृढीकरण (प्राविधिक सहायता)लाई कुनै पद्धति नभई आपसी सहयोग भन्ने ठान्दछ।प्राविधिक सहायतालगायत हाम्रा सबै गतिविधिको जग अनुगमन हो । संरक्षण गर्ने कर्तव्य भएका संस्थाहरूसँग संवादमा संलग्न हुनु महत्त्वपूर्ण हुन्छ।तर, प्राविधिक सहयोगलाई प्रभावकारी र जवाफदेही बनाउने हो भने त्यस्तो संवाद प्रमुख मुद्दाहरूलाई इमान्दारी साथ सम्बोधन गर्ने गरी गम्भीर हुनै पर्छ।. * Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission: [Develop the capacity of NHRC, in cooperation with UNDP and the international community, to promote and protect human rights; provide support based on the CD-NHRC project; Strengthen cooperation between NHRC and civil society; Strengthen NHRC’s links with the international community] * Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions: Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities * Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders: [Strengthen the capacity, in particular in the area of human rights monitoring, investigations, reporting and advocacy, building on the training already carried out; Strengthen partnerships with human rights defenders, such as in the framework of the Accountability Watch Committee, a network of key human rights organizations.] * Strengthen capacity of civil society: Journalists, youth associations, women and historically marginalized groups [focus on key issues, including constitutional process] * Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff: [Staff development and training, including specialised human rights courses, language training and trainings related to other technical skills.]

Strengthening National HR Institutions/ Civil Society OHCHR-Nepal Priority Activities Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders, especially women Strengthen capacity of civil society, including: Journalists, youth associations, NGOs Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff Strengthening National HR Institutions/ Civil Society * Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission: [Develop the capacity of NHRC, in cooperation with UNDP and the international community, to promote and protect human rights; provide support based on the CD-NHRC project; Strengthen cooperation between NHRC and civil society; Strengthen NHRC’s links with the international community] * Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions: Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities * Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders: [Strengthen the capacity, in particular in the area of human rights monitoring, investigations, reporting and advocacy, building on the training already carried out; Strengthen partnerships with human rights defenders, such as in the framework of the Accountability Watch Committee, a network of key human rights organizations.] * Strengthen capacity of civil society: Journalists, youth associations, women and historically marginalized groups [focus on key issues, including constitutional process] * Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff: [Staff development and training, including specialised human rights courses, language training and trainings related to other technical skills.]

राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्थाहरू/नागरिक समाजको सुदृढीकरण OHCHR-Nepal Priority गतिविधिहरू राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोगलाई सुदृढ बनाउने अन्य राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्थाहरूको क्षमता सुदृढ बनाउने दलित आयोग, महिला आयोग र राष्ट्रिय आदिवासी जनजाति विकास प्रतिष्ठान (एनएफडीआईएन) मानवअधिकार रक्षक, विशेषगरी महिला, को क्षमता सुदृढ बनाउने देहायका समेत नागरिक समाजको क्षमता सुदृढ बनाउने: पत्रकारहरू, युवा सङ्घहरू, गैससहरू उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपालका राष्ट्रिय कर्मचारीको क्षमता अभिवृद्धि राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्थाहरू/नागरिक समाजको सुदृढीकरण * Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission: [Develop the capacity of NHRC, in cooperation with UNDP and the international community, to promote and protect human rights; provide support based on the CD-NHRC project; Strengthen cooperation between NHRC and civil society; Strengthen NHRC’s links with the international community] * Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions: Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities * Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders: [Strengthen the capacity, in particular in the area of human rights monitoring, investigations, reporting and advocacy, building on the training already carried out; Strengthen partnerships with human rights defenders, such as in the framework of the Accountability Watch Committee, a network of key human rights organizations.] * Strengthen capacity of civil society: Journalists, youth associations, women and historically marginalized groups [focus on key issues, including constitutional process] * Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff: [Staff development and training, including specialised human rights courses, language training and trainings related to other technical skills.]

Strengthening National HR Institutions/ Civil Society OHCHR-Nepal Priority Strengthening National HR Institutions/ Civil Society Recent achievements (2007-Aug 2008) Capacity-building activities with civil society – 65 with NHRC – 10 with security forces – 15 government bodies – 3 media – 8 2008 publications: Kapilvastu report, CA election monitoring report, Report on Terai protests, Bardiya report*, UDHR60 poster* * forthcoming * Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission: [Develop the capacity of NHRC, in cooperation with UNDP and the international community, to promote and protect human rights; provide support based on the CD-NHRC project; Strengthen cooperation between NHRC and civil society; Strengthen NHRC’s links with the international community] * Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions: Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities * Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders: [Strengthen the capacity, in particular in the area of human rights monitoring, investigations, reporting and advocacy, building on the training already carried out; Strengthen partnerships with human rights defenders, such as in the framework of the Accountability Watch Committee, a network of key human rights organizations.] * Strengthen capacity of civil society: Journalists, youth associations, women and historically marginalized groups [focus on key issues, including constitutional process] * Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff: [Staff development and training, including specialised human rights courses, language training and trainings related to other technical skills.]

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय-नेपालका प्राथमिकता राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्थाहरू/नागरिक समाजको सुदृढीकरण हालैका उपलब्धिहरू - सन् २००७ -२००८ अगस्ट नागरिक समाजसँगको क्षमता अभिवृद्धि गतिविधिहरू- ६५ राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोगसँग - १० सुरक्षाफौजसँग - १५ सरकारी निकायहरू - ३ सञ्चारमाध्यम - ८ सन् २००८ का प्रकाशनहरू: कपिलवस्तु प्रतिवेदन, संविधानसभा अनुगमन प्रतिवेदन, तराई विरोध प्रदर्शनसम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन*, मानवअधिकारको विश्वव्यापी घोषणापत्र ६० पोस्टर* * आउँदो * Strengthen the National Human Rights Commission: [Develop the capacity of NHRC, in cooperation with UNDP and the international community, to promote and protect human rights; provide support based on the CD-NHRC project; Strengthen cooperation between NHRC and civil society; Strengthen NHRC’s links with the international community] * Strengthen the capacity of other national human rights institutions: Dalit Commission, Women’s Commission and the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities * Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders: [Strengthen the capacity, in particular in the area of human rights monitoring, investigations, reporting and advocacy, building on the training already carried out; Strengthen partnerships with human rights defenders, such as in the framework of the Accountability Watch Committee, a network of key human rights organizations.] * Strengthen capacity of civil society: Journalists, youth associations, women and historically marginalized groups [focus on key issues, including constitutional process] * Capacity-building of OHCHR-Nepal national staff: [Staff development and training, including specialised human rights courses, language training and trainings related to other technical skills.]

Rule of law, transitional justice, accountability OHCHR-Nepal Priority Rule of law, transitional justice, accountability Activities Ensure stronger human rights protection in the Constitution Strengthen national legal framework for the protection and promotion of human rights Tackle impunity through emblematic cases, advocacy, and TA. Strengthen implementation of laws and administration of justice (rule of law) Stronger human rights protection in the Constitution: [Raising greater awareness of human rights in the Constituent Assembly (CA), in particular by conducting advocacy on human rights through the CA / Human Rights Working Group and engagement with thematic committees.] * Strengthening of national legal framework for the protection and promotion of human rights: [Advocate for new and amended legislation which complies with international standards (NHRC Act, cr iminalisation of torture, enforced disappearances); Advocate for ratification ofthe Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Assist in the creation of a resource Centre for the Supreme Court as a long-term objective.] * Addressing impunity through advocacy, outreach and awareness-raising: Advocacy and engagement on the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a Commission on Disappearances that comply with international standards; Engagement on reparations, including through raising awareness and monitoring payment of compensation by Government to conflict victims; Raising awareness on the issue of vetting, including by conducting workshops for civil society, security forces and parliamentarians; translation of OHCHR tool on vetting, and review of internal information on perpetrators; Advocacy for establishment of mechanisms for prosecution of international crimes.] *Addressing impunity through pursuit of emblematic cases: [Review status of existing cases and strategies for action, including by engaging with national partners and authorities, as well as providing technical assistance to authorities on investigations (including exhumations);] * Strengthen accountability in the implementation of laws and administration of justice (rule of law): [Advocate for strengthened internal accountability mechanisms of security forces; Advocate for civilian oversight of security forces, including regarding investigations of alleged violations; Advocate for reform of procedures related to the filing of First Information Reports and investigations; Advocate for prevention of extrajudicial executions, including by publishing reports on specific cases of violent incidents, as well as on police conduct in the Terai; Advocate for prevention of excessive use of force, including advocacy on implementation of recommendations from OHCHR-Nepal reports and by conducting workshops on the use of force for civil society and law enforcement agencies; Advocate for prevention of torture and arbitrary arrest, including by continuing to build human rights expertise and awareness of security forces; Advocate for the protection of freedoms of assembly, opinion and association; Advocate for access to justice in cases of all forms of violence against women.]

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपालका प्राथमिकता कानुनी शासन, सङ्क्रमणकालीन न्याय, जवाफदेहीता गतिविधिहरू संविधानमा मानवअधिकारको संरक्षण अझ बलियो हुने कुरा सुनिश्चित गर्ने मानवअधिकारको संरक्षण तथा प्रवर्द्धनका लागि राष्ट्रिय कानुनी खाका सुदृढ बनाउने प्रतीकात्मक घटनाहरू, वकालत तथा प्राविधिक सहायतामार्फत् दण्डहीनतालाई झेल्ने कानुनको कार्यान्वयन तथा न्याय सम्पादन (कानुनी शासन)लाई सुदृढ बनाउने Stronger human rights protection in the Constitution: [Raising greater awareness of human rights in the Constituent Assembly (CA), in particular by conducting advocacy on human rights through the CA / Human Rights Working Group and engagement with thematic committees.] * Strengthening of national legal framework for the protection and promotion of human rights: [Advocate for new and amended legislation which complies with international standards (NHRC Act, cr iminalisation of torture, enforced disappearances); Advocate for ratification ofthe Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Assist in the creation of a resource Centre for the Supreme Court as a long-term objective.] * Addressing impunity through advocacy, outreach and awareness-raising: Advocacy and engagement on the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a Commission on Disappearances that comply with international standards; Engagement on reparations, including through raising awareness and monitoring payment of compensation by Government to conflict victims; Raising awareness on the issue of vetting, including by conducting workshops for civil society, security forces and parliamentarians; translation of OHCHR tool on vetting, and review of internal information on perpetrators; Advocacy for establishment of mechanisms for prosecution of international crimes.] *Addressing impunity through pursuit of emblematic cases: [Review status of existing cases and strategies for action, including by engaging with national partners and authorities, as well as providing technical assistance to authorities on investigations (including exhumations);] * Strengthen accountability in the implementation of laws and administration of justice (rule of law): [Advocate for strengthened internal accountability mechanisms of security forces; Advocate for civilian oversight of security forces, including regarding investigations of alleged violations; Advocate for reform of procedures related to the filing of First Information Reports and investigations; Advocate for prevention of extrajudicial executions, including by publishing reports on specific cases of violent incidents, as well as on police conduct in the Terai; Advocate for prevention of excessive use of force, including advocacy on implementation of recommendations from OHCHR-Nepal reports and by conducting workshops on the use of force for civil society and law enforcement agencies; Advocate for prevention of torture and arbitrary arrest, including by continuing to build human rights expertise and awareness of security forces; Advocate for the protection of freedoms of assembly, opinion and association; Advocate for access to justice in cases of all forms of violence against women.]

Discrimination and economic, social and cultural rights OHCHR-Nepal Priority Discrimination and economic, social and cultural rights Activities Increase understanding and awareness about economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, including their justiciability Strengthen capacity of historically marginalized groups to fight discrimination, such as in laws and access to justice Contribute to social inclusion within national institutions Promote human rights-based approach with government and among UN Country Team * Enhancing accountability [Address discrimination by using justiciability of economic, social and cultural rights as an entry point, including by analyzing existing legal framework and case law; Raise awareness about economic, social and cultural rights, inter alia by distributing materials to promote greater access to justice and by conducting workshops on economic, social and cultural rights and indicators; Monitoring and advocacy for prosecution of emblematic cases of alleged discrimination based on caste or gender.] *Increase understanding and awareness about economic, social and cultural rights: [Increase awareness und understanding, in particular by the Government, regarding human rights obligations with regards to economic, social and cultural rights, as well as issues relating to discrimination; Encourage Government to take steps towards meeting treaty reporting obligations.] *Strengthen capacity of historically marginalized groups to fight discrimination: [Strengthen capacity to address issues of discrimination, including by continuing to support the development of networks to address particular discriminatory practices, such as the Caste-Based Discrimination Elimination Network in Baitadi; Monitoring implementation of Government agreements regarding the liberation of Haliyas and Kamayas (former bonded labourers).] *Contribute to social inclusion within national institutions: [Continue advocacy to promote representation of women and historically marginalized groups in the Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and civil service, in order to ensure that these national institutions are more representatives of the Nepalese population.]

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय-नेपालका प्राथमिकता भेदभाव तथा आर्थिक, सामाजिक र साँस्कृतिक अधिकारहरू गतिविधिहरू आर्थिक, सामाजिक तथा साँस्कृतिक (ईएससी) अधिकारका औचित्यसमेत तीबारे जानकारी तथा चेतना अभिवृद्धि गराउने कानुन र न्यायमाथिको पहुँचजस्ता भेदभावविरुद्ध लड्ने इतिहासदेखि नै सीमान्तीकृत समुदायहरूको क्षमता सुदृढ बनाउने राष्ट्रिय संस्थाहरूभित्र सामाजिक समावेशीकरणमा योगदान गर्ने सरकार तथा राष्ट्रसङ्‍घीय देशीय टोलीसँग मानवअधिकारमा आधारित पद्धति प्रवर्द्धन गर्ने * Enhancing accountability [Address discrimination by using justiciability of economic, social and cultural rights as an entry point, including by analyzing existing legal framework and case law; Raise awareness about economic, social and cultural rights, inter alia by distributing materials to promote greater access to justice and by conducting workshops on economic, social and cultural rights and indicators; Monitoring and advocacy for prosecution of emblematic cases of alleged discrimination based on caste or gender.] *Increase understanding and awareness about economic, social and cultural rights: [Increase awareness und understanding, in particular by the Government, regarding human rights obligations with regards to economic, social and cultural rights, as well as issues relating to discrimination; Encourage Government to take steps towards meeting treaty reporting obligations.] *Strengthen capacity of historically marginalized groups to fight discrimination: [Strengthen capacity to address issues of discrimination, including by continuing to support the development of networks to address particular discriminatory practices, such as the Caste-Based Discrimination Elimination Network in Baitadi; Monitoring implementation of Government agreements regarding the liberation of Haliyas and Kamayas (former bonded labourers).] *Contribute to social inclusion within national institutions: [Continue advocacy to promote representation of women and historically marginalized groups in the Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and civil service, in order to ensure that these national institutions are more representatives of the Nepalese population.]

OHCHR-Nepal Restructuring - Office organized into thematic groups: 1. Impunity, 2. National institutions, 3. Discrimination Reshuffling of Front Office (see organigramme) Regional offices unchanged until June 2009 On 31 December 2007: 177 posts (74 international and 103 national staff) As of 1 January 2009: 140 posts (40 international and 99 national staff)

उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय- नेपालको पुनर्संरचना यो कार्यालय यी विषयगत समूहहरूमा सङ्गठित भएको छ: १॰ दण्डहीनता, २:॰ राष्ट्रिय संस्थाहरू, ३॰ भेदभाव फ्रन्ट अफिसमा फेरबदल कम्तीमा सन् २००९ जुनसम्म क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय अपरिवर्तित वि॰सं॰ २०६४ पुस १६ गते : १७७ पदहरू (७४ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय तथा १०३ राष्ट्रिय कर्मचारी) वि॰सं॰ २०६५ पुस १७ देखि : १४० पदहरू (४० अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय तथा ९९ राष्ट्रिय कर्मचारी)

OHCHR-Nepal Restructuring OHCHR Nepal –Proposed Structure 1 Jan. 2009 Field Security & Safety Unit Front Office Special Asst. JPO Legal advisor Senior National officer Sr Secretary Secretary Spokesperson Public Information Officer Admin Asst Representative Translation & Interpretation Unit Deputy Representative Thematic Coordinator Administrative Section Strengthening institutions and transfer of skills Impunity, Accountability and Rule of Law Discrimination and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Kathmandu Regional Office Pokhara Regional Office Biratnagar Regional Office Nepalgunj Regional Office Dhangadhi Regional Office Janakpur Sub Office