Word List aerobic yellow marrow sprain mitochondria cartilage joint flat bones axial skull legs shoulder endoskeleton spongy bone fracture collagen anaerobic fixed joint gliding joint tendinitis flexibility skull vertebrae skeletal pelvis tendon arms osteoporosis osteoblasts compact bone hinge joint femur cardiac growth plates osteocytes arthritis muscular dystrophy bones flexor red marrow myocarditis ball and socket calcium extensor ribs smooth muscular ligament
The full range of motion of a joint Flexibility
The muscle in a muscle pair that straightens the joint Extensor
Type of muscle tissue found in internal organs and blood vessels Smooth
This type of exercise occurs when muscle cells use oxygen during contraction aerobic
Injury to a ligament caused by stretching a joint too far Sprain
This cell structure supplies lots of energy to cardiac cells Mitochondria
The only type of muscle tissue that has voluntary movement skeletal
Body system that provides support Skeletal
Connects muscles to bones Tendon
The hard outer layer of bone Compact bone
Name for an internal skeleton Endoskeleton
Largest bone in the leg Femur
Type of marrow that makes red blood cells Red marrow
Skull, vertebrae, and ribs make up this part of the skeletal system axial
Bone cell that hardens cartilage into bone Osteocytes
The protein that makes up the connective tissue in bones Collagen
A part of the axial skeleton Skull, vertebrae, ribs
Place where 2 bones meet Joint
The skull is an example of this type of joint Fixed joint
Any structure included in the appendicular skeleton Arms, legs, shoulders, pelvis
Area of cartilage that continue to make new cells Growth plates
Possible location of red marrow Flat bones, ribs, pelvis, skull
This type of joint allows the bones of the joint to rotate in a large circle (ex. your shoulder) Ball and socket
Part of the bone that provides strength and support for the bone Spongy bone
Most plentiful mineral in the bones Calcium
Bone cell that deposits minerals into bones Osteoblasts
This type of joint like those found in the wrist allow a great deal of flexibility in many directions Gliding joint
A hereditary disease that causes muscles to become weaker over time Muscular dystrophy
A strong, flexible, and smooth connective tissue found at the end of bones Cartilage
A break in a bone Fracture
Resistance exercises are this type of exercise Anaerobic
Means porous bones Osteoporosis
Knees and elbows are this type of joint Hinge joint
Type of involuntary muscle tissue found in the heart Cardiac
Disease that causes joints to swell, stiffen, and become painful Arthritis
A painful condition that occurs when a tendon is inflamed from overuse Tendinitis
One of the 3 main parts of the skeletal system Bones, cartilage and ligaments
The muscle in a muscle pair that bends the joint flexor
Inflammation of the heart muscle that can cause heart failure and damage to cardiovascular system myocarditis
Body system that works with your muscles to make your body move muscular
Type of marrow where fat is stored Yellow Marrow