Welcome to the Controlled Assessment
Worth 25% of your GCSE
How it works . . .
Part 1: Research and Planning Time (approx. 12 hours) Step One Carry out Research Step Two Use your research to plan an answer Step Three Write a draft report Step Four From your draft report create bullet point notes
Part 2: Controlled Assessment (3 hours) Timed Conditions during actual Business Studies lessons Type a formal report using your bullet points and the task headings
Important Information The three hours writing up is under examination conditions: no mobile phone or mp3 player is allowed. Normal exam rules apply.
The Task Pick a small local business. Identify their competitors. How does this business compete against other businesses? How effective are these existing methods? What other methods could this business use? Which method would be the most effective and why?
The Research . . . .How might we do it?
How we might . . .Identify Competitors
How does a business compete against other businesses?
How does a business compete against other businesses? Nature of the Product Customer Service Quality After Sales Service Price Promotional Offers Location of the Business (Place) U.S.P.
How could we measure how effective the existing methods are?
How could we measure how effective the existing methods are?
Where could you find information to assist a business in becoming more competitive?
Where could you find information to assist a business in becoming more competitive?
Task Time: 1 For each of the terms below; explain what they mean and how a business could use them to compete effectively (You may use your notes, a textbook or the internet) Nature of the Product Customer Service Quality After Sales Service Price Promotional Offers Location of the Business (Place) U.S.P.
Task Time: 2 Research ‘Mr Cosmetics’ based in Basildon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf8Giu1QVt8 Who are its competitors? How do you think ‘Mr Cosmetics’ compete with their competitors? What do their competitors do to compete against ‘Mr Cosmetics’? Write a list of 10 questions to ask the manager of ‘Mr Cosmetics’ that will help you with your controlled assessment.